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Seminar 2: Conducting a Literature Search Using UNIC Library Resources & Refworks
The seminar is to introduce participants to the science behind a successful search for print and electronic resources, as well as outlining the resources and tools provided by UNIC library. The seminar will demonstrate the steps needed to be taken from having a research topic, identification of appropriate keywords and how they should be used, identifying research resources, using literature search tools, and filtering results to identify appropriate sources. In addition, a demonstration will be given on the upgraded version of RefWorks (a reference management system). A reference management system is an essential tool for those doing PhDs, research projects, developing class lists and writing publications. At the conclusion of the seminar participants will have a better understanding of tools and techniques that yield appropriate resources and enable them to save time when conducting their search. In addition, will be able to use a time-saving tool that will consolidate their resources into their personal database that can be drawn upon to insert in-text citations and reference lists in their documents or publications, as well as generate bibliographies, e.g. for their classes, in any output style they require.
Ms. Georgia Christodoulou
European Documentation Centre (EDC) Manager and Reference Librarian, Library & Information Centre
Since 2011, Georgia Christodoulou is the Reference Librarian and European Documentation Centre manager, who is responsible for all the UNIC main library trainings, and teachings and outreach activities on the EU. Georgia graduated in Computer Science (Bachelor honours) and in Decisions Sciences (Masters), based in Operation Research, at the University of Westminster, London. The success in her studies led her to becoming a researcher at St. George’s Hospital Medical School (London) and then a Research Fellow at the University of Westminster (London); for over 15 years she worked on local, government and European projects that focused on bettering the quality life for all. Her teaching and public speaking skills were developed through creating and lecturing a short-course on Geographic Information Systems (GIS); co-supervising Masters and PhD students; training lecturers and researchers. She is required to present/teach audiences of different levels, age-groups and expertise, both at the university and at high-profile conference/trainings (by the European Commission), where she incorporated effective classroom/training techniques, which facilitated interactive learning and provided flexible to meet the needs of all learners. Throughout her career, teaching and communicating information has been a key to her success and, therefore, she continually searches for ways to captivate her audience.
This seminar is part of the Research Skills Development Programme (RSDP) series. For more information visit