Dr Epaminondas Epaminonda

Dr Epaminondas Epaminonda

Programme Coordinator
Associate Professor
Associate Head of Department
Member of the Senate

Dr Epaminondas Epaminonda is an Associate Professor in the Department of Management of the School of Business of the University of Nicosia. He is also the Associate Head of the Department and the Coordinator of the Bachelor in Business Administration programme. Dr Epaminonda is a graduate of the University of Cambridge, where he studied on a Full Commonwealth Scholarship, and holds an MA from the same university, an MBA from Imperial College and a PhD from Manchester Business School.

Dr Epaminonda has been teaching in tertiary education since 2000. He has taught at the University of Nicosia as an adjunct lecturer for 10 years and since February 2016 as a full-time faculty. He has also taught at the University of Cyprus for six years and the Open University of Cyprus for seven years. In total, he has taught more than 200 classes in more than 40 different course topics, in English and Greek, face-to-face and online, undergraduate and graduate levels. He has also taught at Galen University in Belize for a semester. His fields of teaching expertise include, amongst others, Organizational Behavior, International Business, Human Resource Management and Change Management.

His research interests are in the areas of cross-cultural management, comparative business systems and socio-economic change. He has participated in several conferences in related fields and has published in journals such as the International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, the Management and Organizational History Journal, and the Journal of Knowledge Management. He has also contributed chapters in books and co-edited a published book. He has supervised to completion two PhD students, more than 20 master’s students and more than 30 undergraduate students. He is also currently the supervisor of six PhD students.

Dr Epaminonda has acted as a reviewer for a number of journals, including The International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, The International Journal of Health Policy and Management, Tourism Management Perspectives Journal and the Online Journal of Social Sciences Research. He has also been on Editorial boards of conferences. He has also served in Committees set up by the Ministry of Education of Cyprus to evaluate new programmes in Colleges in Cyprus and has consulted businesses on issues of Strategy and Human Resource Management.

Dr Epaminonda has also worked outside academia for seven years. He worked in the Planning and Research Department of a bank for five years, in the Marketing Department of a tourist organization for one year and in a market research firm for one year. He has also been active in civil society organizations. He was a member of the organization Youth for Exchange and Understanding for many years and participated in and organized several funded exchange projects with other European countries. He has been a member of the Cyprus Family Planning Association for more than 20 years and served on the Board of the Organization for four 2-year terms, one as President. He has also been a member of the National Bioethics Committee for the Assessment of Clinical Trials on Medicinal Products for Human Use for two years.