Greek Civilization

(MA, 3 semesters) – E-Learning/Distance Learning (Online)


3 Semesters

Qualification Awarded

Master of Arts in Greek Civilization

Level of Qualification

Master Degree (2nd Cycle)

Language of Instruction


Mode of Study

E-Learning/Distance Learning (Online)

Minimum ECTs Credits


No enrolments for current semester

Request Information

Greek Civilization (MA, 3 semesters) – E-Learning/Distance Learning (Online)

Duration 3 Semesters
Qualification Awarded  Master of Arts in Greek Civilization
Level of Qualification Master Degree (2nd Cycle)
Language of Instruction English
Mode of Study E-Learning/Distance Learning (Online)
Minimum ECTS Credits 90

No new enrolments as of the Fall 2023 semester

Request Information

Profile of the Programme

The MA programme explores the multifaceted phenomenon of Greek civilization, both in its diachronic and in its thematic range. At the core of its design lies the investigation of the fundamental Greek concepts and values that shaped and are still central to the modern Western world. Freedom, democracy, aesthetics, logic and the search for truth and scientific knowledge are some of the areas the programme explores.

The programme covers the main body of Greek culture offering students a unique educational opportunity. In particular, the programme gives candidates the opportunity for an in-depth study, through specialized bibliography in English, of a number of topics. Courses draw on thematic material from various disciplines in the field of Greek civilization such as history, philosophy, literature, science, the arts and language. Moreover, students will deal with topics that attract international interest as they combine aspects of Greek antiquity with contemporary culture, such as contemporary stage approaches of ancient drama, modern Greek cinema, Greek printing history, and digital culture.

The programme’s overall aim is to provide a specialist, historical and systematic education, giving students the option to either complete elective courses or to produce a research thesis. Students will extend their learning and deepen their understanding of Greek cultural heritage studying in a contemporary and challenging digital environment.

The programme is intended for candidates who wish to pursue a career in the fields of Letters and the Arts and aspire to be actively engaged in research and education on Greek cultural studies, or plan to seek admission to a PhD programme in related fields.

Admission Criteria

The minimum general requirement for admission to the post-graduate degree programme is a Bachelor Degree from a recognised university.

In addition to the above, applicants must also satisfy the following requirements:

  • Two letters of recommendation addressing the applicant’s ability to do graduate work.
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • A personal interview may be required.

English Language Proficiency

Students satisfy the English requirements if their first degree was taught in English. Otherwise, they would need to present a minimum TOEFL score 550 and above, or Computer-based TOEFL score of 213 and above, or Internet-based TOEFL (iBT) score 79-80 and above, or GCSE (or GCE) English Language “O” Level of “C” or above or IELTS of 6.5 and above or Cambridge Exams (First Certificate with Grade B and above, as well as Proficiency with Grade C and above or a score placement at the ENGL-100 level of the University English Placement Test. The University offers English courses at various levels to help students reach the required standard for admission to a graduate programme.

Course assessment usually comprises of a comprehensive final exam and continuous assessment. Continuous assessment can include amongst others, weekly interactive activities, projects, positive online forum participation etc.

Letter grades are calculated based on the weight of the final exam and the continuous assessment and the actual numerical marks obtained in these two assessment components. Based on the course grades the student’s semester grade point average (GPA) and cumulative point average (CPA) are calculated.

Graduation Requirements

The student must complete 90 ECTS and all programme requirements.

A minimum cumulative grade point average (CPA) of 2.0 is required. Thus, although a ‘D-’ is a PASS grade, in order to achieve a CPA of 2.0 an average grade of ‘C’ is required.

Key Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this programme, the students should be able to:

  1. Critically assess some of the fundamental concepts of Greek civilization in fields such as Philosophy, Literature, History, Language, Science, and Visual and Performing Arts.
  2. Understand Greek civilization as a holistic cultural phenomenon, as it has developed from antiquity to the present day.
  3. Analyse the various historical and contemporary dynamics that shaped Greek language, history, philosophical thought, literature, the sciences and arts.
  4. Productively reflect on the relevance of new research areas which are directly linked to Greek Civilization in all its breadth.
  5. Identify and classify the basic periods and movements in Greek history and their social and cultural characteristics.
  6. Develop a critical understanding of the social forces that shaped Greek culture in modern times.
  7. Demonstrate a deep understanding of selected themes in Greek civilization.
  8. Thoroughly comprehend and explicate connections between Ancient and contemporary Greek thought and creation.
  9. Employ professional resources and bibliographical tools in the preparation of research papers in the field of Greek civilization.
  10. Competently undertake a Master’s thesis on selected themes of Greek civilization.
  11. Pursue further graduate studies in selected fields of Greek civilization.

Section A: Compulsory Courses
ECTS: Min.60 Max.60

Course ID Course Title ECTS Credits
GCIV-510 Modern Greek Literature 10
GCIV-520 Journey through Greek History 10
GCIV-530 Greek Art through Time 10
GCIV-540 Ancient Greek Theatre: Drama and Performance 10
GCIV-550 Greek Myth in Literature and Film 10
GCIV-560 Ancient Greek Philosophy and Science 10

Section B: Electives
ECTS: Min. 30 Max. 30

Notes: Students can opt to compose a postgraduate Thesis (30 ECTS) or attend three elective

Course ID Course Title ECTS Credits
GCIV-565 Special Topics 10
GCIV-570 Greek Printing History and Culture 10
GCIV-580 Performing Arts: Modern Greek Stage and Creation 10
GCIV-590 History of Greek Language 10
GCIV-595 Thesis 30

Semester 1

Course ID Course Title ECTS Credits
GCIV-510 Modern Greek Literature 10
GCIV-520 Journey through Greek History 10
GCIV-530 Greek Art through Time 10

Semester 2

Course ID Course Title ECTS Credits
GCIV-540 Ancient Greek Theatre: Drama and Performance 10
GCIV-550 Greek Myth in Literature and Film 10
GCIV-560 Ancient Greek Philosophy and Science 10

Semester 3
Notes: Students can opt to compose a postgraduate Thesis (30 ECTS) or attend three elective courses.

Course ID Course Title ECTS Credits
GCIV-565 Special Topics 10
GCIV-570 Greek Printing History and Culture 10
GCIV-580 Performing Arts: Modern Greek Stage and Creation 10
GCIV-590 History of Greek Language 10
GCIV-595 Thesis 30

Note: The above semester breakdown is an indicative one. A few of the courses are electives and can be substituted by others. Students may contact their academic advisor and consult their academic pathway found on this website under “Schools & Programmes”.

Professor Rossitsa Artemis

School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Department of Languages and Literature
Programme Coordinator
Director of Centre of Languages

Professor Klimis Mastoridis

Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Department of Design & Multimedia
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Member of the Senate

Dr Marina Rodosthenous

Head of Department
Associate Professor
School of Education
Department of Education
Member of the Senate

Dr Androniki Sioki

Associate Professor
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Department of Design & Multimedia

Dr Avra Xepapadakou

Associate Professor
School of Education
Department of Education
Programme Coordinator

Dr Petros Bouras-Vallianatos

Adjunct Faculty
Wellcome Lecturer in History of Medicine, University of Edinburgh

Dr Thanasis Gkatzaras

Adjunct Faculty

Dr Marios Hatzopoulos

Adjunct Faculty

Dr Nikos Pegioudis

Adjunct Faculty

Dr Marios Psaras

Adjunct Faculty

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