“XY Laxamentum House”
We are very pleased to announce that 5th year students Vasilis Panayides and Giorgos Kyriakides’ project “XY Laxamentum House” [...]
A brief webinar presentation introducing the structure and teaching methodology of the Design Research Units
A brief presentation given by Angela Kyriacou Petrou introducing the structure and teaching methodology of the Design [...]
2nd Prize in the 8th Advanced Architecture Contest – IAAC
2nd Prize in the 8th Advanced Architecture Contest - IAAC, by student Yvonne Asiimwe We are very pleased to [...]
Creativity and Innovative Ideas | ARC
Get the chance to win scholarships for the programme of study of Architecture or Interior Design If art, architecture, [...]
ARC Virtual Exhibition 2020
Visit Here The ARC VR 2020 end-of-year exhibition presents a response to the COVID-19 lockdown and the consequent cancellation of the most [...]
European Mies van der Rohe Award 2021 – “Concrete House @ Paniotis
We are very pleased to announce that Markella Menikou, Head of the Department of Architecture, has been selected to [...]
ARC Virtual Exhibition 2020 – Mock-Up Rooms
Visit Here Over the last 3-days a fearsome team of 12 Unic Students have embarked on a virtual [...]
Virtual Exhibitions – ARCH/INT-392 Catalyst Workshop
The participants of the workshop will have the opportunity to explore and engage with relevant software and online platforms towards [...]
Webinar – Spatial Experiences of Tomorrow
**English Text Follows** Webinar – Χωρικές Εμπειρίες του Αύριο Μαρκέλλα Μενοίκου Αναπληρώτρια Καθηγήτρια, Πρόεδρος [...]
Creativity and Innovative Ideas | ARC Competition
Get the chance to win scholarships for the programme of study of Architecture or Interior Design If art, architecture, [...]
Book Launch and ” I am where you are” Presentation
Wednesday, 24 October 2018 from 19:00-22:00 ARC Department of Architecture, University of Nicosia [...]
Collaboration with GC School of Careers
In March 2018 third year students of the lower school of GC School of Careers visited the Architecture Department [...]