
(BAArch, 4 Years)


4 years

Qualification Awarded

Bachelor of Arts in Architecture

Level of Qualification

Bachelor Degree (1st Cycle)

Language of Instruction


Mode of Study

Full-time or Part-time

Minimum ECTs Credits


Architecture (BAArch, 4 Years)

Duration 4 years
Qualification Awarded Bachelor of Arts in Architecture
Level of Qualification Bachelor Degree (1st Cycle)
Language of Instruction English
Mode of Study Full-time and Part-time
Minimum ECTS Credits 240

Request Information

Profile of the Programme

The Architecture Programme provides students with a comprehensive set of skills to prepare them for a career in Architecture.The architecture design studio is the central core of the curriculum. It is supported by the four thematic areas: architectural history and theory, architectural technology (construction, structures, environment), architectural communication (skills and techniques) and architectural management and practice. Electives are also included in the course of study to ensure that students receive a well-rounded academic base that will enhance both their personal and professional development. The programme prepares graduates to continue their studies if they wish to pursue an academic career, and/or prepares them for a labour market orientation.The programme was developed through working closely with the professional associations of Cyprus, thus graduates are prepared to work in the local industry if they so choose.The programme has been designed in accordance with the eleven points of the European Commission’s Architects Directive for the transformation of higher education in Europe initiated by the Bologna declaration; at the same time it acknowledges the importance of constructing a unique identity and catering for diversity in architectural education as influenced by local conditions (culture, climate, local market and needs, etc).

Career Prospects

Graduates from this programme are prepared to pursue a higher level of education, such as a Master or apply for PhD studies. Students who receive the 5 year Professional Diploma, can prepare for the ETEK qualifications in order to register as a local architect. Students who graduate from the programme are fully equipped to work in local or international architecture, urban design, landscape, interior design or other design offices, either private or public.

Access to Further Studies

Graduates of the programme can be accepted into Second Cycle degrees (Master’s Degree).

Academic Admission

The minimum admission requirement to an undergraduate programme of study is a recognized High School Leaving Certificate (HSLC) or equivalent internationally recognized qualification(s). Students with a lower HSLC grade than 7.5/10 or 15/20 or equivalent depending on the grading system of the country issuing the HSLC are provided with extra academic guidance and monitoring during the first year of their studies.

An additional admission requirement for the Department of Architecture is the submission of a portfolio and an interview with faculty members of the Department. The portfolio is required in order to demonstrate the student’s creative ability and skills which may not be reflected in school examination results. The portfolio can include examples of any creative projects carried out previously by the applicants, such as; artwork, design projects, photography, technical drawings, sketches, graphics etc. Portfolios are assessed for creative ability, drawing skills, an indication of spatial or technical understanding, expression through drawing/visual media and other skills demonstrating the imagination, awareness and thinking abilities of the prospective student. Together with the high school grade and student interview an overall assessment is made of each student assessing their appropriateness for the course.

The standard admission procedures of the University of Nicosia apply.

English Language Proficiency

The list below provides the minimum English Language Requirements (ELR) for enrollment to the programme of study. Students who do not possess any of the qualifications or stipulated grades listed below and hold IELTS with 4.5 and above, are required to take UNIC’s NEPTON English Placement Test (with no charge) and will receive English Language support classes, if and as needed, from UNIC’s International Gateway Centre (IGC).

  • TOEFL – 525 and above
  • Computer-based TOEFL – 193 and above
  • Internet-based TOEFL – 80 and above
  • IELTS – 6 and above
  • Cambridge Exams [First Certificate] – B and above
  • Cambridge Exams [Proficiency Certificate – C and above
  • GCSE English Language “O” Level – C and above
  • Michigan Examination of Proficiency in English (CaMLA) – Pass
  • Pearson PTE General – Level 3 and above
  • KPG (The Greek Foreign Language Examinations for the State Certificate of Language Proficiency) – Level B2 and above
  • Anglia – Level B2 and above
  • IEB Advances Programme English – Pass
  • Examination for the Certificate of Proficiency in English (ECPE) Michigan Language Assessment by: Cambridge Assessment English & University of Michigan – 650 average score for ALL skills and above

Course assessment usually comprises of a comprehensive final exam and continuous assessment. Continuous assessment can include amongst others, mid-terms, projects, and class participation.

Letter grades are calculated based on the weight of the final exam and the continuous assessment and the actual numerical marks obtained in these two assessment components. Based on the course grades the student’s semester grade point average (GPA) and cumulative point average (CPA) are calculated

The student must complete 300 ECTS and all programme requirements. A minimum cumulative grade point average (CPA) of 2.0 is required. Thus, although a ‘D-‘ is a PASS grade, in order to achieve a CPA of 2.0 an average grade of ‘C’ is required.

On completion of the programme the student will be able to:

  1. Create architectural designs that satisfy both aesthetic and technical requirements.
  2. Critically discuss the history and theories of architecture, and the related arts, technologies and human sciences.
  3. Identify with the fine arts as an influence on the quality of architectural design.
  4. Apply knowledge of urban design, planning and the skills involved in the planning process.
  5. Apply an understanding of the relationship between people and buildings, and between buildings and their environment, and of the need to relate buildings and the spaces between them to human needs and scale.
  6. Demonstrate an understanding of the profession of architecture and the role of the architect in society, in particular in preparing briefs that take into account social factors.
  7. Utilise the methods of investigation and preparation of the brief for a design project.
  8. Assess structural design, constructional and engineering problems associated with building design.
  9. Gain an understanding of physical problems, technologies and of the function of buildings so as to provide them with internal conditions of comfort and protection against the climate.
  10. Meet building users’ requirements within the constraints imposed by cost factors and building regulations.
  11. Translate design concepts into buildings and integrate plans into overall planning by utilising an adequate knowledge of the industries, organisations, regulations and procedures involved.
Section: A – Major Requirements
Min. ECTS Credits: 210  Max. ECTS Credits: 210
Course Code Course Title ECTS Credits
ARCH-101 Introduction to Architectural Design 12
ARCH-102 Architectural Design I 12
ARCH-111 Introduction to Structures 4
ARCH-112 Construction Materials and Finishes 4
ARCH-141 History of Architecture I 4
ARCH-142 History of Architecture II 4
ARCH-161 Fundamentals of Drawing 2
ARCH-162 Architectural Communication Skills 4
ARCH-171 Experiencing Architecture 2
ARCH-201 Architectural Design II 12
ARCH-202 Architectural Design III 12
ARCH-211 Structural Mechanics – Statics I 4
ARCH-212 Structural Mechanics – Statics II 4
ARCH-232 Space and Light 4
ARCH-242 Introduction to Architectural Theory 4
ARCH-251 Landscape Architecture 4
ARCH-252 Cultural Heritage 2
ARCH-261 Computer Aided Design 4
ARCH-262 Advanced Computer Aided Design 4
ARCH-301 Architectural Design IV – Urban Design 12
ARCH-302 Architectural Design V – Building Technology 12
ARCH-311 Construction I (Masonry/Reinforced Concrete) 4
ARCH-312 Construction II (Timber/Steel) 4
ARCH-321 Preservation and Restoration of Architectural Heritage 4
ARCH-322 Building Services 4
ARCH-331 Construction Workshop 2
ARCH-341 History and Theory of the City 4
ARCH-342 Advanced Spatial Theories 4
ARCH-351 Contemporary Architects 4
ARCH-362 Advanced CAD and Mixed Media 4
ARCH-401 Architectural Design VI 12
ARCH-402 Advanced Architectural Studio 12
ARCH-411 Sustainable Design 4
ARCH-441 History and Theory of Sustainable Design 4
ARCH-442 Perceptions of Architecture 4
ARCH-452 Special Topics in Architecture 4
ARCH-481 Architectural Practice and Project Management 4
ARCH-482 Work Placement 6
Section: B – Major Electives
Min. ECTS Credits: 12  Max. ECTS Credits: 24
Course Code Course Title ECTS Credits
ARCH-392 Architecture Catalyst I 2
ARCH-400 Visual Culture Studies 4
ARCH-410 Emergency Architecture 4
ARCH-421 Senior Living Social Aspect of Architecture 4
ARCH-431 Advanced Building Technology 4
ARCH-432 Fundamentals of Earthquake Engineering 4
ARCH-451 Rethinking Architecture 4
ARCH-462 Advanced Computational Design 4
ARCH-472 Advanced Urban Design 4
ARCH-491 Architecture Catalyst II 2
ARCH-492 Visualising Urbanity 4
Section: C – Language Expression
Min. ECTS Credits: 12  Max. ECTS Credits: 30
Course Code Course Title ECTS Credits
BADM-231 Business Communications 6
BADM-332 Technical Writing and Research 6
BENG-100 College English 6
COMM-200 Business and Professional Communication 6
ENGL-100 Basic Writing 6
ENGL-101 English Composition 6
Section: D – Free Elective
Min. ECTS Credits: 6  Max. ECTS Credits: 6
Course Code Course Title ECTS Credits
GEN-000 General Electives 6

Semester 1

Course ID Course Title ECTS Credits
ARCH-101 Introduction to Architectural Design 12
ARCH-111 Introduction to Structures 4
ARCH-141 History of Architecture I 4
ARCH-161 Fundamentals of Drawing 2
ARCH-171 Experiencing Architecture 2
ENGL-101 English Composition 6

Semester 2

Course ID Course Title ECTS Credits
ARCH-102 Architectural Design I 12
ARCH-112 Construction Materials and Finishes 4
ARCH-142 History of Architecture II 4
ARCH-162 Architectural Communication Skills 4
BADM-332 Technical Writing and Research 6

Semester 3

Course ID Course Title ECTS Credits
ARCH-201 Architectural Design II 12
ARCH-211 Structural Mechanics – Statics I 4
ARCH-251 Landscape Architecture 4
ARCH-261 Computer Aided Design 4
DES-260 Photography I 6

Semester 4

Course ID Course Title ECTS Credits
ARCH-202 Architectural Design III 12
ARCH-212 Structural Mechanics – Statics II 4
ARCH-232 Space and Light 4
ARCH-242 Introduction to Architectural Theory 4
ARCH-252 Cultural Heritage 2
ARCH-262 Advanced Computer Aided Design 4

Semester 5

Course ID Course Title ECTS Credits
ARCH-301 Architectural Design IV – Urban Design 12
ARCH-311 Construction I – Masonry/Reinforced Concrete 4
ARCH-321 Preservation and Restoration of Architectural Heritage 4
ARCH-331 Construction Workshop 2
ARCH-341 History and Theory of the City 4
ARCH-351 Contemporary Architects 4

Semester 6

Course ID Course Title ECTS Credits
ARCH-302 Architectural Design V – Building Technology 12
ARCH-312 Construction II – Timber/Steel 4
ARCH-322 Building Services 4
ARCH-342 Advanced Spatial Theories 4
ARCH-362 Advanced CAD and Mixed Media 4
ARCH-392 Architecture Catalyst I 2

Semester 7

Course ID Course Title ECTS Credits
ARCH-401 Architectural Design VI 12
ARCH-411 Sustainable Design 4
ARCH-441 History and Theory of Sustainable Design 4
ARCH-451 Rethinking Architecture 4
ARCH-481 Architectural Practice and Project Management 4
ARCH-491 Architecture Catalyst II 2

Semester 8

Course ID Course Title ECTS Credits
ARCH-402 Advanced Architectural Studio 12
ARCH-442 Perceptions of Architecture 4
ARCH-452 Special Topics in Architecture 4
ARCH-482 Work Placement 6
ARCH-492 Visualising Urbanity 4
The above semester breakdown is an indicative one. A few of the courses are electives and can be substituted by others. Students may contact their academic advisor and consult their academic pathway found on this website under “Schools & Programmes”.

Ms Eleonore Zippelius

Assistant Professor
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Department of Architecture

Professor Alessandra Swiny

School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Department of Architecture

Ms Angela Kyriacou Petrou

Associate Head of Department
Associate Professor
Department of Architecture
School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Ms Markella Menikou

Head of Department
Associate Professor
Department of Architecture
School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Dr Antonia Lemonari – Sophocleous

Assistant Professor
Department of Architecture
School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Professor Petros Lapithis

Department of Architecture
School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Mr Adonis Kleanthous

Associate Professor
Department of Architecture
School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Ms Maria Hadjisoteriou

Associate Professor
Department of Architecture , School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Professor Yiorgos Hadjichristou

Department of Architecture
School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Mr Michalis Georgiou

Associate Professor
School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Department of Architecture

Mr Panayiotis Pierides

Adjunct Faculty

Mr Phidias Pavlides

Adjunct Faculty

Dr Christos Papastergiou

Adjunct Faculty

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