UNIC Professor Dimitris Drikakis honoured by the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research

The award relates to his research aiming to advance computationalmethods in Machine Learning (ML) in the framework of high-speed flows and acoustics

2023-03-22T08:32:34+02:00September 22nd, 2022|Defence and Security Research Institute (DSRI), News|

UNIC Faculty Member’s Paper on Machine-Learning Methods Awarded “Computation 2020 Best Paper Award”

The paper on "Machine-Learning Methods for Computational Science and Engineering” by Professor Dimitris Drikakis et al. was recognised by the peer-reviewed journal in its inaugural Best Paper Awards

UNIC Faculty Member’s Paper Top-Cited in Computation in 2020-2021

The paper on "Machine-Learning Methods for Computational Science and Engineering” by Professor Dimitris Drikakis et al. has been shortlisted for the “Computation 2020 Best Paper Award”

Professor Dimitris Drikakis joined the Editorial Board of Nature Scientific Reports

The University of Nicosia congratulates Professor Dimitris Drikakis for joining the Editorial Board of the prestigious journal Nature Scientific Reports.

2021-09-29T16:59:39+03:00September 23rd, 2021|Defence and Security Research Institute (DSRI), News|

UNIC Research Suggests Repeated Coughing Seriously Degrades Face Mask Efficiency

University of Nicosia researchers Dbouk and Drikakis return with more important input in reviewing social distancing guidelines; small droplets of saliva can emerge from a face mask, with some droplets then traveling as far as 1 metre.

UNIC Research Suggests Saliva Droplets Can Travel More Than Two Metres In Light Winds

According to a University of Nicosia paper published in Physics of Fluids, a mild cough occurring in low wind speeds of 4-15 km/h can propel saliva droplets for up to 6 metres. Important input in reviewing social distancing guidelines in windy conditions.

The University of Nicosia Establishes Defence and Security Research Institute

The new institute will undertake research and training activities on defence and security in collaboration with partners in government; industry; and other academic and research centres nationally and internationally.

2020-03-06T13:37:58+02:00May 17th, 2019|Defence and Security Research Institute (DSRI), News|
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