Dr Dona Hileti

School of Life and Health Sciences
Department of Life Sciences

Dr Christoforos Giannaki

Associate Head of Department
Associate Professor
School of Life and Health Sciences
Department of Life Sciences
Director of the Research Centre for Exercise and Nutrition (RECEN)

Dr Eleftheria Galatou

Assistant Professor
School of Life and Health Sciences
Department of Health Sciences

Professor Kyriakos Felekkis

School of Life and Health Sciences
Department of Life Sciences
Member of the Council
Member of the Senate

Mr Michalis Efstathiou

Associate Lecturer
School of Life and Health Sciences
Department of Health Sciences

Professor Catherine Demoliou

Emeritus Professor
School of Life and Health Sciences
Department of Life Sciences

Dr Iris Charalambidou

Associate Professor
School of Life and Health Sciences
Department of Life Sciences

Dr George Aphamis

Associate Professor
School of Life and Health Sciences
Department of Life Sciences

Professor Antonis Zambelas

Visiting Professor
School of Life and Health Sciences
Department of Life Sciences

Professor Eleni Andreou

Head of Department
School of Life and Health Sciences
Department of Life Sciences

Dr Christos Petrou

Head of Department
Associate Professor
School of Life and Health Sciences
Department of Health Sciences
Member of the Senate

Professor Edna Yamasaki

School of Life and Health Sciences
Department of Health Sciences

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