Volume 5  Issue 6

December 2008

Bimonthly Electronic Newsletter


The European Union’s position in the world and the challenges ahead (by H. E. Nicolas Galey). As all of you know, the European Union has had, since its creation, to face many challenges to become a global actor and succeed in its core objectives. Achieving peace among former enemies was obviously the first one. War and peace among Europeans is just not a MORE


Greece: The end of apathy, the audacity of hope (by Dimitrios Triantaphyllou). It is hard to put into words what has been happening in Greece since 6 December with the shooting of a 15 year old by a policeman who thought he is a combination of Rambo and Dirty Harry while forgetting that both celluloid heroes sought to protect the innocent. Although MORE


US Elections: The day after and the search for a credible and responsible foreign policy (by Van Coufoudakis). The 2008 presidential campaign was the longest in American history, costing over a billion dollars, over a two year period. Its length can be explained by the absence of an incumbent running for re-election and the absence of a real front   MORE


US Elections Briefing (by Gregory Makris). Was there anyone who DIDN’T feel elation the morning of November 5? The feeling that something remarkable had occurred? And it wasn’t the typical joy – that this thing was finally OVER – that is the normal feeling at the end of a typical 24-month US presidential campaign. It was a sense of history, a defining MORE


Blowback: US withdrawal from Iraq and the impact on Cyprus (by Monroe Newman). Unwanted, adverse and frequently unforeseen effects from their actions are so common that the diplomatic and intelligence communities have a word for them – blowback. Among many significant actions affecting the Eastern Mediterranean, the gradual drawdown MORE


Towards a watershed in US Global Policy: From Neo-conservatism to Neo-rationalism (by Herbert R. Reginbogin). Conventionally, American foreign policy aims have been interpreted generally as vacillating between power-oriented Realists á la Kissinger and reform-minded Idealists in the vein of Wilson. While mainstream neoconservativism aligns MORE


Does Globalization make sense? (by Miroslav N. Jovanović). Liberalization in the national and international economy is a policy choice of governments, primarily in the developed world. It is linked with the privatization and downsizing of public sector activities and the expansion of private sector activities. Globalization of the economy and MORE


Narrowing the Legitimacy Gap in EU-Israeli Relations (By Guy Harpaz). The EU can and should contribute to reforms in countries of the Middle East and the resolution of the Arab – Israeli conflict. For that purpose it should rely on its economic forte and position itself as a normative power. Such a normative status presupposes, however, legitimacy, which MORE


The period of November to December 2008 has been a very active period for the Cyprus Center for European and International Affairs as it has organized and hosted numerous public eventsMORE
