Cyprus has a long history of decorative patterns of noteworthy geometric complexity. Starting from discovering such a 2D pattern, participants of ARCH-262, Advanced Computer Aided Design, [ARC] University of Nicosia, developed and proposed their own 3-dimesnional pattern and populated it to create a tessellated tile, using the knowledge acquired during the course. The tile was modeled in Rhinoceros 3D/panelling tools, set in Voxelizer, exported and fabricated using the desktop Z-morph 3D printers of [ARC] University of Nicosia.Click edit button to change this text.
Course Participants:
Marcou Andreas, Kouzari Kleitos, Evangelidou Elena, Rousta Anna, Pissarides Alexandros, Theofanous Demetris, Ioannou Nicolas, Sergiou Irene, Arpalikli Nursan, Moiseenkova Natalia, Colomeiciuc Arcadie, Zampellakis Stergos, Ioannidou Tatiana, Soliati Agathi, Fotiou Andreas, Nicolaou Antonios, Lazarides Chariton, George Klados, Manos Doulianakis, Maria Doxastaki
Fabrication Lab Assistants:
Dionisis Voniatis, Panayiotis Trichinas
Technical Data:
Tile Bounding Box Dimensions: 25mmx125mmx125mm
Extruder: ZMorph 1.75mm extruder, Ver. 2.0 and 2.0.S
Settings: No support, Layer height: 0.2mm, Fan pre-set: fan ABS 35%, Infill ratio: 10% , Infill type: honeycomb, Bottom layer base: power raft ABS
Filaments: eSUN 3D Filament ABS White
Approximate Tile Print Time/Filament Length: 8h / 30m