There has been a growing body of evidence to show that face masks can reduce the transmission of viruses and prevent further spread of SARS-CoV-2.

In Canada, face masks should fully cover the nose and mouth and there should not be any tears or holes. Canadian guidelines recommend cleaning your hands before and after touching the mask, and never wear a mask with tears or holes. The guidelines also suggest changing a mask immediately if it becomes damp or dirty. Mayo Clinic recommends washing a mask after one day of use.

A dirty mask needs to be washed, and if it can’t be washed, it’s to be discarded. While Canadians are in public, they should not remove the mask to talk, touch it while wearing it, or hang the mask from the neck and ears.

In a new study published in the Physics of Fluids journal this week, researchers from the University of Nicosia in Cyprus studied the effects of multiple cycles of coughing…




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Consistent coughing degrades mask filters |