One year on from the Russian invasion of Ukraine: Exposing Russian disinformation
2023-02-24 14:00:00 @ 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
In the early hours of Thursday February 24, 2022, Russia launched a large-scale military assault against Ukraine. Russia’s attack began with a series of airstrikes, missile attacks, and sending troops and tanks in a three-pronged invasion from the North, South, and East. Russia attacked government and military institutions, with a clear goal of reaching the capital, Kyiv. Russian troops have neared Kyiv and attacked many important sites in the city. Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine has been an incredibly difficult ordeal and a tragedy for millions of Ukrainians. The human costs of the war have been severe. The illegal invasion has been met with widespread international condemnation, despite Russia’s attempts to spread disinformation and sow confusion around the reality of what is happening in Ukraine. During this Round Table, our honorary speakers will offer their insight into the current events in Ukraine as well as share their views and arguments on how the Russian propaganda machine works across the globe.
February 24th, 2023
14.00 -16.00
Venue: -M203 Millennium, University of Nicosia
The event is co-organized by the Diplomatic Academy of the University of Nicosia and the Embassies of Ukraine, Sweden, United States, France, Poland and the British High Commission. The speakers are experts from the respective countries.