First Cyprus-Middle East Forum at UNIC
2018-12-07 08:30:00 @ 8:30 am - 2018-12-08 19:00:00 @ 7:00 pm
Two-day conference on: “Unthinking the Convention: Unlearning Religious Divides, Deconstructing the Past and Reforming the Future in the Middle East”
The Dialogue Chair in Middle Eastern Studies, with the support of the Eastern Mediterranean Studies Initiative (EMSI) and the Diplomatic Academy, cordially invites you to a conference on: “Unthinking the Convention: Unlearning Religious Divides, Deconstructing the Past and Reforming the Future in the Middle East”, on 7-8 December at the UNESCO Amphitheatre, University of Nicosia.
The two-day conference, held under the auspices of and inaugurated by H.E. Dr Nicos Christodoulides, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus, will gather eminent experts to present their analyses while allowing ample time for questions and comments.
The West Asian and North African region, traditionally referred to as the Middle East, is arguably going through one of its most trying periods in modern history. Realpolitik together with extremism have produced a tragic set of developments, the effects of which will remain in the region and beyond for decades to come.
As the closest member of the European Union in this region, the island of Cyprus can play an important role in facilitating dialogue between the protagonists in the Middle East and with the West. Both geographically and culturally, Cyprus is well posited to provide a link between the parties, whose political and military behaviour can have far-reaching and lasting consequences.
Accordingly, the Dialogue Chair in Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Nicosia is organising the first Cyprus-Middle East Forum Conference, with speakers from the region, as well as from Western countries.