Papers and Reports
The views and opinions expressed in the articles are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the positions and views of either the Diplomatic Academy or those of the University of Nicosia.
Culture and Peace Building
By Erato Kozakou-Marcoullis Culture can play an important role in the promotion of peace and in building trust and mutual understanding in conflict and post conflict situations.
Turkey`s aspiring hydrological hegemony: The impact on the regional political security developments
By Constantinos Adamides Turkey’s geopolitical importance is unquestionable; in the middle of three regional security complexes – the Balkan, the Caucasus and the Middle Eastern – it has the capacity to act either as an insulator state when it is advantageous, as with the case of the ongoing tragic refugee crisis, or in a non-insulator and hegemonic manner with the capacity to project its power over its weaker neighbors.
Why Russia is Fighting Qatar and Competing Iran
By Ioannis-Sotirios Ioannou An alternative perspective on the civil conflict in Syria is inevitably linked with energy and geostrategic implications.
Russians and the “Alawistan”
By Ioannis-Sotirios Ioannou With the situation in Syria entering into a new abyss regarding the ongoing diplomatic game, things are starting to become clearer in terms of Russia’s active support to the Assad regime.
Russia in Syria: Changing the Power Balances
By Zenonas Tziarras Back in 2012 it was argued that Syria has become an arena for conflicting regional and international interests. This reality is more salient today than any other time in the past.
Η Σημασία των Παγκόσμιων και Περιφερειακών Ενεργειακών Μεταβολών για την Κύπρο
By Zenonas Tziarras Η ενέργεια και κατ’ επέκταση η ενεργειακή πολιτική και ασφάλεια κατέχουν κεντρική θέση στις διεθνείς ανησυχίες αυτού του αιώνα.