Data Science
(BSc, 4 years)
4 Years
Qualification Awarded
BSc in Data Science
Level of Qualification
Bachelor Degree (1st Cycle)
Language of Instruction
Mode of Study
Full-time or Part-time
Minimum ECTs Credits
Request Information
Data Science (BSc, 4 years)
Duration | 4 Years |
Qualification Awarded | BSc in Data Science |
Level of Qualification | Bachelor Degree (1st Cycle) |
Language of Instruction | English |
Mode of Study | Full-time and part-time |
Minimum ECTS Credits | 240 |
Request Information
Profile of the Programme
The aim of the program is to provide students with technical skills and practical insight to Data Science. The DS program combines theory and practice, based on three main disciplines, Computer Science, Statistics and Mathematics, and real world application domains. It has been designed to enable graduates of the program to meet the demands of the data-driven economy of the future.
More specifically, the program aims at:
- Providing students with the technical and analytical skills required for acquiring, managing, analyzing and extracting insight from data.
- Provide students with a strong mathematical and statistics foundation that will enable them to appropriately formulate models and apply optimization techniques for data analyses challenges.
- Providing students with software engineering and machine learning skills to design and implement scalable, reliable and maintainable solutions for data-oriented problems.
- Enabling students to assess the level of privacy and security of a technical solution to a data science problem.
- Preparing students to pursue further postgraduate education and research that require expertise in data science and analytical reasoning (such as business analytics, finance, health, bioinformatics).
- Providing students with a strong sense of social commitment, global vision and independent self-learning ability.
Academic Admission
The minimum admission requirement to an undergraduate programme of study is a recognized High School Leaving Certificate (HSLC) or equivalent internationally recognized qualification(s). Students with a lower HSLC grade than 7.5/10 or 15/20 or equivalent depending on the grading system of the country issuing the HSLC are provided with extra academic guidance and monitoring during the first year of their studies.
English Language Proficiency
The list below provides the minimum English Language Requirements (ELR) for enrollment to the programme of study. Students who do not possess any of the qualifications or stipulated grades listed below and hold IELTS with 4.5 and above, are required to take UNIC’s NEPTON English Placement Test (with no charge) and will receive English Language support classes.
- TOEFL – 525 and above
- Computer-based TOEFL – 193 and above
- Internet-based TOEFL – 80 and above
- IELTS – 6 and above
- Cambridge Exams [First Certificate] – B and above
- Cambridge Exams [Proficiency Certificate – C and above
- GCSE English Language “O” Level – C and above
- Michigan Examination of Proficiency in English (CaMLA) – Pass
- Pearson PTE General – Level 3 and above
- KPG (The Greek Foreign Language Examinations for the State Certificate of Language Proficiency) – Level B2 and above
- Anglia – Level B2 and above
- IEB Advances Programme English – Pass
- Examination for the Certificate of Proficiency in English (ECPE) Michigan Language Assessment by: Cambridge Assessment English & University of Michigan – 650 average score for ALL skills and above
Examination Regulations, Assessment and Grading
Course assessment usually comprises of a comprehensive final exam and continuous assessment. Continuous assessment can include amongst others, mid-terms, projects etc.
Letter grades are calculated based on the weight of the final exam and the continuous assessment and the actual numerical marks obtained in these two assessment components. Based on the course grades the student’s semester grade point average (GPA) and cumulative point average (CPA) are calculated.
Graduation Requirements
The student must complete 240 ECTS and all programme requirements.
A minimum cumulative grade point average (CPA) of 2.0 is required. Thus, although a ‘D-‘ is a PASS grade, in order to achieve a CPA of 2.0 an average grade of ‘C’ is required.
Key Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this program, the students should be able to:
- Apply theory and methodologies of several data science oriented topics in mathematics, statistics and computing to solve problems in real-world contexts.
- Apply contemporary computing technologies, such as machine learning and data mining, Artificial Intelligence, parallel and distributed computing, to solve practical problems characterized by big data.
- Implement algorithms for fundamental data science tasks such as machine learning and data mining, statistical inference etc, using a high-level language which is suitable for data science (e.g. Python, R).
- Apply data management to clean, transform and query data.
- Select and apply suitable machine learning algorithms and software tools to perform data analysis.
- Perform data visualization and apply inference procedures to analyze data and interpret and communicate results.
- Assess the data privacy and security issues raised during the various stages data management.
- Demonstrate professional and ethical responsibility in data ownership, security and sensitivity of data.
- Communicate technical ideas effectively through both oral presentations and written reports.
Section A: Computer Science Requirements
ECTS: Min.114 Max.114
Course ID | Course Title | ECTS Credits |
COMP-111 | Programming Principles I | 6 |
COMP-113 | Programming Principles II | 6 |
COMP-140 | Introduction to Data Science | 6 |
COMP-142 | Software Development Tools for Data Science | 6 |
COMP-211 | Data Structures | 6 |
COMP-240 | Data Programming | 6 |
COMP-242 | Data Privacy and Ethics | 6 |
COMP-244 | Machine Learning and Data Mining I | 6 |
COMP-248 | Project in Data Science | 6 |
COMP-302 | Database Management Systems | 6 |
COMP-340 | Big Data | 6 |
COMP-342 | Data Visualization | 6 |
COMP-344 | Machine Learning and Data Mining II | 6 |
COMP-370 | Algorithms | 6 |
COMP-405 | Artificial Intelligence | 6 |
COMP-446 | Web and Social Data Mining | 6 |
COMP-447 | Neural Networks and Deep Learning | 6 |
COMP-494 | Data Science Final Year Project I | 6 |
COMP-495 | Data Science Final Year Project II | 6 |
Section B: Mathematics and Statistics Requirements
ECTS: Min. 54 Max. 54
Course ID | Course Title | ECTS Credits |
MATH-101 | Discrete Mathematics | 6 |
MATH-195 | Calculus I | 6 |
MATH-196 | Calculus II | 6 |
MATH-225 | Probability and Statistics I | 6 |
MATH-280 | Linear Algebra I | 6 |
MATH-325 | Probability and Statistics II | 6 |
MATH-326 | Linear Models I | 6 |
MATH-329 | Bayesian Statistics | 6 |
MATH-335 | Optimization Techniques | 6 |
Section C: Major Electives
ECTS: Min. 30 Max. 42
Course ID | Course Title | ECTS Credits |
COMP-213 | Visual Programming | 6 |
COMP-263 | Human Computer Interaction | 6 |
COMP-341 | Knowledge Management | 6 |
COMP-349 | Special Topics in Data Science | 6 |
COMP-358 | Networks and Data Communication | 6 |
COMP-387 | Blockchain Programming | 6 |
COMP-449 | Industry Placement in Data Science | 6 |
COMP-470 | Internet Technologies | 6 |
COMP-474 | Cloud Computing | 6 |
COMP-475 | Internet of Things and Wearable Technologies | 6 |
MATH-281 | Linear Algebra II | 6 |
MATH-341 | Numerical Analysis I | 8 |
MATH-342 | Numerical Analysis II | 8 |
MATH-420 | Times Series Modeling and Forecasting | 6 |
MATH-426 | Linear Models II | 6 |
Section D: Science and Engineering Electives
ECTS: Min.6 Max. 12
Course ID | Course Title | ECTS Credits |
BIOL-110 | Elements of Biology | 6 |
CHEM-104 | Introduction to Organic and Biological Chemistry | 6 |
ECE-110 | Digital Systems | 6 |
PHYS-110 | Elements of Physics | 6 |
Section E: Business Electives
ECTS: Min.6 Max.12
Course ID | Course Title | ECTS Credits |
BADM-234 | Organizational Behavior | 6 |
BUS-111 | Accounting | 6 |
ECON-200 | Fundamental Economics | 6 |
MGT-281 | Introduction to Management | 6 |
MGT-370 | Management of Innovation and Technology | 6 |
MIS-215 | Project Management | 6 |
MIS-303 | Database Applications Development | 6 |
MIS-351 | Information Systems Concepts | 6 |
MIS-390 | E-Business | 6 |
MKTG-291 | Marketing | 6 |
Section F: Language Expression
ECTS: Min.12 Max.12
Course ID | Course Title | ECTS Credits |
BADM-332 | Technical Writing and Research | 6 |
ENGL-101 | English Composition | 6 |
Section G: Liberal Arts Electives
ECTS: Min.6 Max.12
Course ID | Course Title | ECTS Credits |
FREN-101 | French Language and Culture I | 6 |
GERM-101 | German Language and Culture I | 6 |
ITAL-101 | Italian Language and Culture I | 6 |
PHIL-101 | Introduction to Philosophy | 6 |
PHIL-120 | Ethics | 6 |
PSY-110 | General Psychology I | 6 |
SOC-101 | Principles of Sociology | 6 |
UNIC-100 | University Experience | 6 |
Semester 1
Course ID | Course Title | ECTS Credits |
COMP-140 | Introduction to Data Science | 6 |
COMP-111 | Programming Principles I | 6 |
MATH-101 | Discrete Mathematics | 6 |
MATH-195 | Calculus I | 6 |
ENGL-101 | English Composition | 6 |
Semester 2
Course ID | Course Title | ECTS Credits |
COMP-113 | Programming Principles II | 6 |
COMP-142 | Software Development Tools for Data Science | 6 |
MATH-196 | Calculus II | 6 |
MATH-225 | Probability and Statistics I | 6 |
SOC-101 | Principles of Sociology | 6 |
Semester 3
Course ID | Course Title | ECTS Credits |
COMP-211 | Data Structures | 6 |
COMP-240 | Data Programming | 6 |
MATH-325 | Probability and Statistics II | 6 |
MATH-280 | Linear Algebra I | 6 |
BIOL-110 | Elements of Biology | 6 |
Semester 4
Course ID | Course Title | ECTS Credits |
COMP-370 | Algorithms | 6 |
COMP-302 | Database Management Systems | 6 |
MATH-329 | Bayesian Statistics | 6 |
COMP-244 | Machine Learning and Data Mining I | 6 |
COMP-248 | Project in Data Science | 6 |
Semester 5
Course ID | Course Title | ECTS Credits |
COMP-344 | Machine Learning and Data Mining II | 6 |
MATH-335 | Optimization Techniques | 6 |
COMP-342 | Data Visualization | 6 |
COMP-242 | Data Privacy and Ethics | 6 |
COMP-213 | Visual Programming | 6 |
Semester 6
Course ID | Course Title | ECTS Credits |
COMP-340 | Big Data | 6 |
COMP-446 | Web and Social Data Mining | 6 |
MATH-326 | Linear Models I | 6 |
BADM-332 | Technical Writing and Research | 6 |
COMP-341 | Knowledge Management | 6 |
Semester 7
Course ID | Course Title | ECTS Credits |
COMP-405 | Artificial Intelligence | 6 |
COMP-447 | Neural Networks and Deep Learning | 6 |
COMP-494 | Data Science Final Year Project I | 6 |
COMP-387 | Blockchain Programming | 6 |
MKTG-291 | Marketing | 6 |
Semester 8
Course ID | Course Title | ECTS Credits |
COMP-495 | Data Science Final Year Project II | 6 |
COMP-449 | Industry Placement in Data Science | 6 |
MATH-420 | Times Series Modeling and Forecasting | 6 |
COMP-474 | Cloud Computing | 6 |
MATH-281 | Linear Algebra II | 6 |
The above semester breakdown is an indicative one. A few of the courses are electives and can be substituted by others. Students may contact their academic advisor and consult their academic pathway found on this website under “Schools & Programmes”.