Discover our selected publications
- Anastasiou, Michaelangelo. Forthcoming 2024. “Populism and the Mirror of Technology”, in Andy Knott (ed.) Populism and Time: Temporalities of a Disruptive Politics. Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, Scotland.
- Anastasiou M., Petrikkos P. and Trimikliniotis N. Forthcoming. “Surveillance, De-Democratization and the Digital States of Exception: The Case of Cyprus” (book chapter)
- Anastasiou M. and Anastasiou H. Forthcoming. “U.S. Digital Surveillance and AI Policy: The Digital States of Exception and the Nationalism Constant” (journal article)
- Anastasiou M. and Trimikliniotis N. “The Political Sociology of Artificial Intelligence: Three Concepts” (journal article)
- Adamides, C. and Petrikkos, P. 2023. “Small European states in the hybrid warfare era: The cases of Cyprus, Malta, and Estonia,” Small States & Territories, 6(1), 15-34.
- Trimikliniotis, N. 2023. “Privacy at work in Cyprus”, in Hendrickx, F., Gramano, E. and Mangan, D. eds., Privacy@work: A European and Comparative Perspective. Bulleting of Comparative Labour Relations (Vol. 113). Kluwer Law International BV.
- Trimikliniotis, Nicos, et al. 2023. Mobile citizenship, states of exception and (non) border regimes in the pandemic and post-Covid19 Cyprus. Hellenic Observatory. London School of Economics and Political Science.
- Anastasiou, Michaelangelo. 2022. “Nationalism and Modernity”, in Nationalism and Hegemony: The Consolidation of the Nation in Social and Political Life. Routledge: London.
- Trimikliniotis, N. and Demetriou C. 2022. Franet national contribution to the Fundamental Rights Report 2023. European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. p. 29-38.
- Trimikliniotis, N. and Demetriou, C. 2022. National intelligence authorities and surveillance in the EU: Fundamental rights safeguards and remedies (November 2022 update). European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights.
- Trimikliniotis, N., Parsanoglou, D. and Tsianos, V. 2022. Mobile Commons in the Pre-Pandemic, Pandemic and Post-Pandemic Era: Drawing from Mobility Experiences in Post-Migrant Times. Praktyka Teoretyczna, 46(4).
- Trimikliniotis, N., 2019. Migration and the refugee dissensus in Europe: Borders, security and austerity. Routledge.
- Wendland, A.J., Merwin, C. and Hadjioannou, C. eds., 2019. Heidegger on technology. New York: Routledge.
- Hadjioannou, C. 2018. Heidegger’s critique of techno-science as a critique of Husserl’s reductive method. In Heidegger on technology(pp. 57-73). Routledge.
- Merwin, C., Wendland, A.J. and Hadjioannou, C. 2018. Introduction: Heidegger’s thinking through technology. In Heidegger on technology(pp. 1-12). Routledge.
- Demetriou, C., 2016. National intelligence authorities and surveillance in the EU: Fundamental rights safeguards and remedies. European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights.
- Trimikliniotis, N., Parsanoglou, D. and Tsianos, V.S. 2016. Mobile commons and/in precarious spaces: Mapping migrant struggles and social resistance. Critical Sociology, 42(7-8), pp.1035-1049.
- Trimikliniotis, N., Parsanoglou, D. and Tsianos, V. 2014. Mobile commons, migrant digitalities and the right to the city. Springer.