5th Graduation Ceremony of University of Nicosia Medical School
Among the invited guests were the President of the House of Representatives, the Minister of Health who delivered the keynote address on behalf of the President of the Republic, the British High Commissioner, the Israeli Ambassador, the President of the Cyprus Medical Association, and relatives and friends of the graduates from USA, Canada, Australasia, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.
The Principal of St George’s, University of London, with which the University of Nicosia cooperates on the MBBS medical programme, attended the ceremony. She was joined by faculty of the Medical Centres, with which the School collaborates in the USA, the United Kingdom, Israel, and Cyprus.
Professor of Psychiatry and Health Care Management Shlomo Noy was awarded the honorary degree of Doctor of Science (Medicine) in acknowledgment of his distinguished career in the medical profession and research innovation, and for his efforts in helping to establish the relationship between the University of Nicosia Medical School, Tel Aviv University and Sheba Medical Center.
The ceremony ended with the new medical graduates publicly taking the Hippocratic Oath.
The graduating students had completed the following four programmes of study: MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery), Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Sciences, Postgraduate Certificate in Healthcare and Biomedical Education, and Master of Science in Family Medicine.