Our Partners and Collaborators

Gnosis draws strength from its own people, but also from their institutional, industry and individual scholar and professional partners. Over two decades of scientific research, funded research, education and industry experience have yielded numerous collaborations and associations; relationships which achieved synergies with tangible outcomes of scientific and wider social impact.

Our Partners are selected based on their institutional or individual international reputation, prominence and achievements, as well as, of course, on the potential and future of our Partnership.

Our Institutional and Individual Research Collaborators

The core, ‘pure science’ division of Gnosis has been particularly successful in building, strengthening and expanding a notable network of collaborations with scholars from numerous and prominent institutions around the world. This web of scientific interactions and their evident outputs are a tribute to the effectiveness and tangibility of Gnosis’ scientific yield, and a testament to the confidence in Gnosis scholars by the international scientific community.

Our Institutional Networks

Demetris Vrontis

Alkis Thrassou