6 feet may not be far enough for safe social distancing: Study

6 feet may not be far enough for safe social distancing: Study May 20, 2020: Researchers have found that the current social distancing guidelines of 6 feet may be insufficient because a mild cough occurring [...]

I coronavirus si possono propagare fino a 6 metri

    Le attuali linee guida sui coronavirus, in particolare sul coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, che causa COVID-19, inerenti alla distanza sociale di 2 metri possono essere insufficienti, perché una leggera tosse che si verifica a basse [...]

COVID-19: Flashazos internacionales (XXXIV)

Cubadebate continúa publicando noticias extraídas de agencias y sitios internacionales confiables relacionados con la pandemia que ataca a la humanidad en forma de titulares ampliados. Flashazos curiosos, sobre buenas acciones o indisciplinas sociales, notas negativas [...]

Νέα έρευνα: Ο κοροναϊός μπορεί να μεταδοθεί μέχρι και στα 5,5 μέτρα

Νέα έρευνα: Ο κοροναϊός μπορεί να μεταδοθεί μέχρι και στα 5,5 μέτρα Ακόμη και ένα ελαφρύ αεράκι με ταχύτητα τεσσάρων χιλιομέτρων την ώρα μπορεί να μεταφέρει τα σταγονίδια του σάλιου, μετά από βήχα, σε απόσταση [...]

Six feet may not be far enough to stop coronavirus transmission in windy weather, study suggests

Six feet may not be far enough to stop coronavirus transmission in windy weather, study suggests COVID-19 data sharing sparks concern In the U.S., health officials in at least 35 states share addresses of those [...]

Ακόμη και ελαφρύ αεράκι μπορεί να μεταφέρει σταγονίδια σάλιου με κορονοϊό στα 5,5 μέτρα

Ακόμη και ελαφρύ αεράκι μπορεί να μεταφέρει σταγονίδια σάλιου με κορονοϊό στα 5,5 μέτρα Ακόμη και ένα ελαφρύ αεράκι με ταχύτητα τεσσάρων χιλιομέτρων την ώρα μπορεί να μεταφέρει τα σταγονίδια του σάλιου, μετά από βήχα, [...]

Six feet may not be enough to stop the coronavirus from spreading

Sitting six feet apart in a park may NOT be enough in a breeze: Light wind can blow infectious droplets 18 FEET, new study finds   Since the coronavirus pandemic began, we've all been told [...]

Coronavirus in saliva could travel more than 5m in a ‘slight breeze’

Coronavirus in saliva could travel more than 5m in a 'slight breeze'   Staying two metres apart may not be far enough to stop outdoor coronavirus transmission, a study has suggested. Research from the American [...]

¿Una distancia de 6 pies provee suficiente protección contra la COVID?

MARTES, 19 de mayo de 2020 (HealthDay News) -- Las gotitas de saliva expulsadas por la tos pueden viajar mucho más de 6 pies (casi 2 metros) con un viento ligero, según unos hallazgos recientes. [...]

Coronavirus, se c’è il vento non basta la distanza di un metro

Coronavirus, se c’è il vento non basta la distanza di un metro Modelli, simulazioni ed esperimenti sono stati messi in campo in queste settimane per capire come si trasmette il nuovo coronavirus. Oggi sappiamo che [...]

Coronavirus droplets travel further in windy weather – and your height could affect your risk of contracting it

Coronavirus droplets travel further in windy weather - and your height could affect your risk of contracting it Government advice to remain two metres apart from others may not be enough to protect people from [...]

Is six feet enough for safe social distancing? Study says could be ‘insufficient’- The New Indian Express

Is six feet enough for safe social distancing? Study says could be 'insufficient' WASHINGTON DC:  Researchers have found that the current social distancing guidelines of 6 feet may be insufficient because a mild cough occurring [...]

Coronavirus droplets travel further in windy weather – and your height could affect your risk of contracting it

Coronavirus droplets travel further in windy weather - and your height could affect your risk of contracting it Government advice to remain two metres apart from others may not be enough to protect people from [...]

Why 6ft distancing might not be enough to stop airborne transmission of COVID-19

Why 6ft distancing might not be enough to stop airborne transmission of COVID-19   Respiratory droplets from COVID-19 patients can reach far beyond the current social distancing guidelines of 6 feet, warns a new study. [...]

Έρευνα: Στα πόσα μέτρα μπορεί να φτάσουν τα σταγονίδια σάλιου με κορωνοϊό εάν φυσάει | ΣΚΑΪ

  Έρευνα: Στα πόσα μέτρα μπορεί να φτάσουν τα σταγονίδια σάλιου με κορωνοϊό εάν φυσάει Οι ερευνητές θεωρούν ότι οι τρέχουσες οδηγίες για τήρηση αποστάσεων έως δύο μέτρων μεταξύ των ανθρώπων προς αποφυγή μετάδοσης της [...]

Monkey studies encouraging for coronavirus vaccine; virus travels further on breezy days

Monkey studies encouraging for coronavirus vaccine; virus travels further on breezy days NEW YORK (Reuters) - The following is a brief roundup of some of the latest scientific studies on the novel coronavirus and efforts [...]

近期流体物理杂志发布的一项研究中,有一点空气流动的条件下可以传播6米远,儿童和身高较矮的人吸入最多 – 宝依特健康网

近期流体物理杂志发布的一项研究中,有一点空气流动的条件下可以传播6米远,儿童和身高较矮的人吸入最多 - 宝依特健康网 据MedicalXpress网站报道,有研究称呼吸道飞沫可在室外空气中发生远距离传播,有一点空气流动的条件下可以传播6米远,防控措施提倡的2米的社交距离或许并不安全。 当前,多个国家防控措施建议,为了避免新冠肺炎空气传播,人与人应互相保持2米的社交距离。2米是空气静止条件下的安全距离,有风的条件下呢?近期《流体物理》杂志发布的一项研究中,塞浦路斯尼科西亚大学国防和安全研究所高级研究员Talib Dbouk博士发现,每小时4公里的微风就可以在5秒内将飞沫传播至6米以外。 Dbouk说,当我们打喷嚏、咳嗽时,会向周围空气中散发大量的悬浮液滴,这些液滴的传播能力取决于自身条件如大小和数量,还有多个环境条件,如风速、温度、压力和湿度等。 为了研究液滴在空气中的流动性,研究人员创建了一个流体动力学模型,可以模拟咳嗽的人呼出的空气中每个液滴的状态。他们还把空气湿度、液滴和空气分子相互作用、液滴蒸发因素纳入模型考虑。 Read the full article here: 近期流体物理杂志发布的一项研究中,有一点空气流动的条件下可以传播6米远,儿童和身高较矮的人吸入最多 - 宝依特健康网

Six feet distancing not enough to stop virus transmission in light winds

Six feet distancing not enough to stop virus transmission in light winds The current physical distancing guidelines of 6 feet may be insufficient to prevent COVID-19 transmission, according to a study which says a mild [...]

COVID-19: Una leve brisa lleva una gota de saliva más allá de dos metros

COVID-19: Una leve brisa lleva una gota de saliva más allá de dos metros Explicativo Incluye también cronogramas, preguntas y respuestas. Proporciona el contexto o antecedentes, definición y detalles sobre un tema. Ayuda a entender [...]

The 6-feet rule for social distancing might not be enough, says study

The 6-feet rule for social distancing might not be enough, says study   Social distancing has been touted as the key when it comes to covid-19 prevention but is it enough? Here’s what a fresh [...]

Six feet distancing not enough to stop virus transmission in light winds: Study

Six feet distancing not enough to stop virus transmission in light winds: Study Researchers, including those from the University of Nicosia in Cyprus, said a good baseline for studying the airborne transmission of viruses, like [...]

Dealerships Opening – Stay Away – 6 Feet Is Not Far Enough – NIH Video

Dealerships Opening - Stay Away - 6 Feet Is Not Far Enough - NIH Video Two new studies on the airborne spread of saliva droplets, which can harbor virus particles from respiratory diseases like COVID-19, [...]

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