Temperature, Humidity, Wind Predict Second Wave of Pandemic

Temperature, Humidity, Wind Predict Second Wave of Pandemic The “second wave” of the coronavirus pandemic has placed much blame on a lack of appropriate safety measures. However, due to the impacts of weather, research suggests [...]

Las lecciones tras un año de pandemia: mascarillas, flujo de aire y test rápidos relegan a limpieza, termómetros y mamparas

Las lecciones tras un año de pandemia: mascarillas, flujo de aire y test rápidos relegan a limpieza, termómetros y mamparas El estudio, efectuado por investigadores de la Universidad de Nicosia, en Chipre, coordinador por Dimitris [...]

Purificador de ar pode piorar transmissão aérea do Sars-CoV-2, diz estudo

Purificador de ar pode piorar transmissão aérea do Sars-CoV-2, diz estudo Pesquisadores fizeram simulações para ver como se dá a transmissão de gotículas potencialmente contaminadas em elevadores com esses aparelhos instalados Pesquisadores da Universidade de [...]

Air purifiers may do more harm than good in confined spaces with airborne viruses

Air purifiers may do more harm than good in confined spaces with airborne viruses The positions of air inlets and outlets in confined spaces, such as elevators, greatly affect airborne virus transmission. In Physics of Fluids, [...]

Air Purifiers May Do More Harm Than Good In Confined Spaces With Airborne Viruses

Air Purifiers May Do More Harm Than Good In Confined Spaces With Airborne Viruses The positions of air inlets and outlets in confined spaces, such as elevators, greatly affect airborne virus transmission. In Physics of [...]

Έρευνα: Άτομα που έχουν νοσήσει δεν εμφανίζουν αντισώματα [ΒΙΝΤΕΟ]

Έρευνα: Άτομα που έχουν νοσήσει δεν εμφανίζουν αντισώματα [ΒΙΝΤΕΟ] Σε εξέλιξη ευρίσκεται η ερευνητική μελέτη τριών πανεπιστημίων της Κύπρου, για έλεγχο της παρουσίας αντισωμάτων κατά του κορωνοϊού στα άτομα που έχουν νοσήσει, αλλά και σε [...]

2021-01-28T13:15:20+02:0027 Ιανουαρίου, 2021|COVID-19 Research & Analysis, COVID-19 UNIC in the Press|

Air Purifiers in Confined Spaces May Actually Increase the Spread of Airborne Viruses

Air Purifiers in Confined Spaces May Actually Increase the Spread of Airborne Viruses The positions of air inlets and outlets in confined spaces, such as elevators, greatly affect airborne virus transmission. In Physics of Fluids, [...]

Air purifiers may do more harm than good in confined spaces, study finds

Air purifiers may do more harm than good in confined spaces, study finds A new study has found that air purifiers used in elevators and other confined spaces may actually do more harm than good [...]

Air purifiers may increase the spread of viral transmission, not hinder it

Air purifiers may increase the spread of viral transmission, not hinder it A recent study published in Physics of Fluids, from AIP Publishing, sheds new light on the pros and cons of air purifiers in the [...]

Air purifiers may do more harm than good in confined spaces with airborne viruses

Air purifiers may do more harm than good in confined spaces with airborne viruses A computation shows air purifiers in elevators and other confined spaces can actually increase saliva droplet dispersal, spreading COVID-19. The positions [...]

In confined spaces, air purifiers may actually aid the spread of COVID-19

In confined spaces, air purifiers may actually aid the spread of COVID-19 In especially confined spaces, like an elevator, air purifiers may actually do more harm than good in the fight against airborne viral transmission. [...]

Air purifiers may do more harm than good in confined spaces, study finds

Air purifiers may do more harm than good in confined spaces, study finds A new study has found that air purifiers used in elevators and other confined spaces may actually do more harm than good [...]

Air purifiers may do more harm than good in confined spaces with airborne viruses

Air purifiers may do more harm than good in confined spaces with airborne viruses A computation shows air purifiers in elevators and other confined spaces can actually increase saliva droplet dispersal, spreading COVID-19. The positions [...]

Air purifiers may do more harm than good in confined spaces with airborne viruses

Air purifiers may do more harm than good in confined spaces with airborne viruses The positions of air inlets and outlets in confined spaces, such as elevators, greatly affect airborne virus transmission. In Physics of [...]

Δρ. Πέτρου: Δεν θα ξεπεραστεί ο κορωνοϊός με την κολχικίνη

Δρ. Πέτρου: Δεν θα ξεπεραστεί ο κορωνοϊός με την κολχικίνη «Η μελέτη αναφέρει ότι θα χορηγείται σε ασθενείς άνω των 60 ετών που είναι θετικοί σε τεστ κορωνοϊού και σε ασθενείς 18 έως 60 ετών, [...]

2021-01-27T16:22:04+02:0026 Ιανουαρίου, 2021|COVID-19 Research & Analysis, COVID-19 UNIC in the Press|

In confined spaces, air purifiers may actually aid the spread of COVID-19

In confined spaces, air purifiers may actually aid the spread of COVID-19 "We quantified the effect of air circulation on airborne virus transmission and showed that installing an air purifier inside an elevator alters the [...]

Air purifiers may do more harm than good in confined spaces, study finds

Air purifiers may do more harm than good in confined spaces, study finds While air purifiers could be expected to help reduce transmission, researchers from the University of Nicosia in Cyprus report that air purifiers [...]

Air purifiers can increase the spread of aerial virus infections in confined spaces

Air purifiers can increase the spread of aerial virus infections in confined spaces The position of the intake and exhaust ports in a limited space such as an elevator greatly affects virus infection in the [...]

Air purifiers may do more harm than good in confined spaces with airborne viruses

Air purifiers may do more harm than good in confined spaces with airborne viruses A computation shows air purifiers in elevators and other confined spaces can actually increase saliva droplet dispersal, spreading COVID-19. The positions [...]

Air purifiers may do more harm than good in confined spaces with airborne viruses

Air purifiers may do more harm than good in confined spaces with airborne viruses The positions of air inlets and shops in confined spaces, equivalent to elevators, tremendously have an effect on airborne virus transmission. [...]

Air Purifiers May Do More Harm than Good

Air Purifiers May Do More Harm Than Good The positions of air inlets and outlets in confined spaces, such as elevators, greatly affect airborne virus transmission. While you would think air purifiers would help clean [...]

Air purifiers may increase the spread of airborne virus transmission in confined spaces

Air purifiers may increase the spread of airborne virus transmission in confined spaces The positions of air inlets and outlets in confined spaces, such as elevators, greatly affect airborne virus transmission. In Physics of Fluids, [...]

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