COVID-19: Is 6 Feet Enough Social Distance on a Windy Day?
Health authorities around the world currently recommend that we should ideally keep six feet of space between ourselves and others when out in public to prevent possible transmission of the COVID-19 virus. But what if it’s a particularly windy day?
New research suggests you might want to allow a little more space in these conditions.
A study published in the American Institute of Physics journal Physics of Fluids found that even in relatively mild winds of four to 15 km/h, saliva droplets from coughing or sneezing can travel up to 18 feet “with a decrease in the concentration and liquid droplet size in the wind direction.”
“Our findings imply that, considering the environmental conditions, the [six foot] social distance may not be sufficient,” the authors stated. “Further research is required to quantify the influence of parameters such as the environment’s relative humidity and temperature, among others.”…
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COVID-19: Is 6 Feet Enough Social Distance on a Windy Day? | Lab Manager