Webinar 5: School-wide Positive Behavior Support: An introduction to core features and documented outcomes
This webinar will focus on the value that building a positive school-wide social culture has on educational success for all students. Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a framework of procedures for establishing a supportive school-wide culture, and is now used in over 30,000 schools in the US and in school systems across 21 other countries. The PBIS approach emphasizes proactive teaching of behavioural expectations, and development of a school culture that is positive, predictable, consistent and safe. Formal research studies indicate that PBIS is a practical approach that leads to both social and academic improvement for students. The webinar will focus on the core features of PBIS, how it is being adopted by schools, the importance of adapting PBIS to fit local cultural norms, and research assessing the impact of PBIS. Time will also be allocated for questions and comments.
Robert Horner
Professor, Special Education, University of Oregon, USA
Rob Horner is an emeritus professor of special education at the University of Oregon. His research has focused on applied behavior analysis, positive behavior support, multi-tiered instructional systems, equity in education, and systems change. He has worked for 20 years with George Sugai in development and implementation of school-wide positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS). Over 29,000 schools are implementing PBIS nationally. Dr. Horner has been the editor of the Journal of the Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps, co-editor of the Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, and associate editor for both the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis and the American Journal on Mental Retardation. Dr. Horner is recipient of multiple awards, including the 2002 AAMR Education Award, the 2006 ABA Public Service in Behavior Analysis Award, the 1996 APA Fred Keller Educational Researcher Award, the 2014 AERA Distinguished Researcher Award, and the 2020 Association of Positive Behavior Support Leadership Award.
This webinar is part of the Distinguished Speaker Webinar Series on Special and Inclusive Education 2021-22. For more information visit https://www.unic.ac.cy/eduseries2021-22