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The School of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Nicosia kindly invites you to the seminar on Feline Infectious Peritonitis.


Anja Kipar, Professor, Dr. med. vet. habil., DiplECVP, FRCPath, FTA & FVH (Pathologie), ECVP-CFVP

Anja Kipar received her veterinary degree from the University of Giessen, Germany, where she also gained her Dr. med. vet. degree, on a research project on the pathology of canine mucocutaneous round cell tumours. She worked for five years as a research assistant in veterinary pathology at the University of Leipzig, Germany and then returned to the University of Giessen where she completed her habilitation that researched the pathogenesis of feline infectious peritonitis.

In 2001, Anja Kipar took up a position as Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Pathology at the University of Liverpool where she was promoted to Professor of Veterinary Pathology in 2006. In Liverpool, she was Head of Veterinary Laboratory Services, Director of Pathology and Programme Director of the ECVP registered residency training centre, later Head of Department of Veterinary Pathology and, after the restructuring of the University, Head of Division of Pathology at the new School of Veterinary Science. In 2011, she moved to Finland where she held a position as Professor of Veterinary Pathology and Director of the Finnish Centre of Laboratory Animal Pathology at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Helsinki. Since 2013, she is Professor of Veterinary Pathology and Director of the Institute of Veterinary Pathology at the Vetsuisse Faculty, University of Zurich in Switzerland. She is currently also Docent in Veterinary Pathology at the University of Helsinki , Finland, Honorary Professor at the Institute of Infection, Veterinary and Ecological Sciences, University of Liverpool, UK, and Adjunct Professor, Department of Veterinary Clinical Science, City University Hongkong, Hongkong.

Anja Kipar has a strong research interest in the immunopathogenesis of infectious diseases, in particular FIP and MCF, with a focus on vasculitis. She has worked intensely with animal models of zoonotic diseases, most recently in particular of COVID-19. Her publication record (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=Kipar+A&sort=date) currently lists 199 publications, among these 22 for the keyword “feline coronavirus”.

Demetris Epaminondas, DVM, MVSc (SAS)

Demetris serves as the Vice-President of the Pancyprian Veterinary Association and as a Representative of the Association in the Federation of the European Companion Animal Veterinary Associations (FECAVA).

He earned his DVM from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece in 2008. Following his degree in Veterinary medicine, he pursued a 2-year Master’s degree in Small Animal Surgery (SAS) at the same university. During this time, he interned as a surgeon at the university’s faculty of companion animal clinics. Upon successfully completing his master’s degree, Demetris worked in a veterinary practice, specializing in small animal medicine and surgery. Since 2011 Demetris is a Veterinary officer with the Cyprus Veterinary Services.

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