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The Career Success Centre and the Department of Computer Science with the support of the IT Department is bringing to you on campus the chance to join in person the Proggy-Buggy Programming Olympiad organised by DataArt! The programming Olympiad will take place on Saturday, 26 October 2024 at 12:00, at M-203 Jean Monnet Amphitheatre.

The Proggy-Buggy Contest, now in its tenth year, has been a remarkable platform for programmers and problem solvers from all over the world. Over the past decade, it has witnessed participation from more than 10,000 individuals representing 60 countries.

The Proggy-Buggy Contest is an exciting test of algorithmic skills, where participants must solve up to 13 challenging problems within a 42-minute time limit. They can participate individually or as part of a team, with a maximum of three participants per team. Everyone who participated will receive a certificate. The winners will receive prizes from DataArt.

Don’t miss this exclusive opportunity to participate and network with DataArt representatives and other participants!


12:00: Arrival at the venue, registration & coffee

12:30: Opening ceremony & speech

13:00: Official start of the contest

14:00 – 15:00: Prizes & networking

Who Should Participate?

We invite students, developers, testers, and all individuals with a passion for programming, an understanding of program development, and an appreciation for concepts like “console applications” and “standard input/output streams.” This contest is open to anyone who enjoys tackling unsolved problems and pushing the boundaries of their coding abilities.

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