Mastering Web3: UNIC’s Brand New Free MOOC, Offering a Blockchain Verifiable Certificate

This comprehensive course is a merger of UNIC’s popular “Digital Currency” MOOC and “NFTs & Metaverse” MOOC offering students a deep dive into the world of Web3

The University of Nicosia (UNIC) and the Institute for the Future (IFF) announce the launch of their newly revamped free course Mastering Web3: Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and the Metaverse”.

The rigorous 12-week online course is designed to equip participants with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate the rapidly evolving Web3 landscape. Developed and delivered by leading experts, the course provides a deep dive into blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and the Metaverse. Participants will move beyond the industry trends and gain a comprehensive understanding of these transformative innovations, empowering them to engage critically and confidently with the future of digital technologies.

What’s New in “Mastering Web3 MOOC”:

  1. World’s First Web3 MOOC: Covering Web3, Cryptocurrencies, NFTs, Metaverse, and emerging trends in this dynamic field.
  2. Brand New Curriculum & Hands-On Elements: The course offers a brand-new curriculum, incorporating the latest trends in blockchain, AI, and Web3 technologies, with practical exercises and interactive labs to ensure students are equipped with real-world skills.
  3. Earn a Blockchain-Issued Certificate: Successfully complete the course to receive a blockchain-issued and globally recognized  “Certificate of Accomplishment” from the University of Nicosia.
  4. Expert Faculty & Industry Leaders: Learn from leading experts like Antonis Polemitis, Prof. George Giaglis and Punk6529, with special guest lectures from industry experts.
  5. Global Community: Join a global network of learners with over 145,000+ students from 120+ countries and become part of the largest Web3 student community.
  6. Earn 10 ECTS: Only students enrolled in the UNIC’s pioneer MSc in Blockchain and Digital Currency or the MSc in Metaverse programs can earn credits from this course by completing the MSc-level assessment, saving time on their academic journey.
  7. MOOC Scholarship for Top Achievers: The highest-performing students in the MOOC will be eligible for a scholarship, which can be applied to both the MSc in Blockchain and Digital Currency and the MSc in Metaverse programs. This is a unique opportunity to advance your education and career.

Commenting on the launch of the new course, Professor George Giaglis, Executive Director of the Institute for The Future, University of Nicosia, said: “Mastering Web3 is not just an educational opportunity; it’s a gateway to understanding and shaping the future of technology and finance. With the rapid evolution of blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and the metaverse, this course equips learners with the knowledge and skills to thrive in this transformative era. We are excited to offer a comprehensive curriculum, ensuring students are at the forefront of innovation”.

Course Details:

  • Start Date: 30 September 2024
  • Duration: 12 Weeks
  • Format: Online and asynchronous, with interactive elements and guest lectures
  • Certificate: Blockchain-issued certificate of attendance upon completion

Weekly Course Schedule:

1: Introduction to Web3, Bitcoin, and Ethereum
2: Bitcoin: How It Works
3: Ethereum: How It Works
4: Security and Privacy in Web3
5: Tokenization in Web3
6: Decentralized Finance (DeFi)
7: NFTs: Fundamentals and Applications
8: The Metaverse: Foundations and Opportunities
9: DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) and Decentralized Social Media
10: Web3 and Digital Identity
11: Advanced topics in Web3
12: The Future of Web3: Blockchain, AI, and Trends

Why Enroll in Mastering Web3 MOOC?

This course is ideal for anyone looking to gain insights into the rapidly growing fields of blockchain, crypto, NFTs, and the metaverse. Whether you’re interested in cryptocurrencies, want to understand the future of digital assets, or explore how the metaverse will transform industries, MOOC on “Mastering Web3” provides the foundation to help you succeed in Web3. The course offers practical tutorials on various crypto, blockchain, and metaverse-related aspects, such as creating wallets, minting NFTs, and executing transactions. It also provides a comprehensive overview of both blockchain concepts and the metaverse, ensuring you gain both theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience.

Visit the official course page for more information.

Enrollment is now open for the free MOOC on Mastering Web3 MOOC with Fall’24 intake starting on 30 September 2024