Ενταχθείτε στη φοιτητική μας κοινότητα
Το Πανεπιστήμιο διατηρεί επαφή με τους αποφοίτους του μέσω του Κέντρου Επιτυχημένης Σταδιοδρομίας – Career Success Centre (CSC) με σκοπό να τους ενημερώνει για τις νέες ακαδημαϊκές ευκαιρίες και τις ευκαιρίες σταδιοδρομίας, καθώς και για να ζητά τις απόψεις τους για πανεπιστημιακά θέματα. Το CSC αποτελεί διοικητικό τμήμα του Πανεπιστημίου Λευκωσίας. Η κύρια αποστολή του είναι να ενισχύσει την απασχόληση των φοιτητών/αποφοίτων και να τους παρέχει πρόσβαση σε ευκαιρίες εργασίας, καθώς και να τους ενημερώνει για νεες ευκαιρίες στην αγορά εργασίας. Επιπλέον, το CSC προσφέρει ευκαιρίες για την ενίσχυση των δεξιοτήτων των φοιτητών/αποφοίτων. Το CSC εργάζεται για την ανάπτυξη αμοιβαίων σχέσεων με τους συνεργάτες του στην αγορά εργασίας καθώς και για την σύνδεση των φοιτητών/αποφοίτων και καθηγητών με αυτήν. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, το CSC διαθέτει ένα καθιερωμένο και αυξανόμενο δίκτυο 800 και πλέον συνεργατών. Σε κάθε ακαδημαϊκό έτος, το CSC συνεργάζεται με περισσότερες από 500 εταιρείες για την κάλυψη θέσεων εργασίας με τους καταλληλότερους υποψηφίους, δημοσιεύοντας πάνω από 500 αγγελίες εργασίας και πρακτικής άσκησης στα εσωτερικά κανάλια επικοινωνίας και προτείνοντας περισσότερους από 1500+ φοιτητές και πτυχιούχους. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες επισκεφθείτε στην ιστοσελίδα μας, την ενότητα πύλης σπουδαστών και τη σελίδα στο LinkedIn. Επίσης, μπορείτε να ενταχθείτε στο slack channel του Μεταπτυχιακού στο Blockchain και την Ψηφιακή Καινοτομία για να βρίσκεστε σε επαφή με όλη την φοιτητική κοινότητα.
Τι λένε οι φοιτητές μας
I still remember my first day of class at the University of Nicosia, where I first met my Professor, Antonis Polemitis who’s first words to us were: “You cannot imagine how your decision to study a Master of Science in Digital Currencies will change your life.” He was right!
My background is in finance and consulting having earned a Bachelor of Science in Investment and Financial Risk Management from Cass Business School, London. I gained experience in the financial sector and carried on my career in the consulting industry where I worked for an influential Swiss consulting firm, liaising with international organisations, corporations and governments, specializing in analysis, research and devising strategies for clients.
One day in 2016, I was solving an issue for a client, who is in the shipping and physical commodities business. While untangling the peculiarities of this industry, I got to learn about the complex construction of the industry which involves multiple intermediaries and interdependent relationships, that all require trust. Without trust this global industry could not exist. Each participant in the cycle, plays a crucial role, be it from loading the goods onto the ships and inspections, to receiving letters of credit and insurance.
Life has a funny way of getting you where you need to be.
On my last day of undergrad at NC State University I stepped off of the campus bus and BAM, was suddenly hit straight on by a car driven by another student. Luckily, I walked away with no long term injuries but what did permanently change was my outlook on life.Prior to the accident, I was driven but lacked a sense of urgency. I knew that I wanted to make something of myself but always felt as if I could wait 5 or 10 years to get started. After the accident, my mindset shifted. I was determined to make something of myself, and to get started today.
During the two years after I recovered from my injuries, I searched for a purpose worth devoting my newfound sense of passion towards. I worked in different industries including wine sales and technical recruiting but couldn’t seem to find the right fit. That quickly changed once I began working as an Account Executive for a prominent FinTech consulting firm.
I stumbled upon Bitcoin and digital currencies in 2012 and like most people I did not pay much attention to it. Over time as I encountered it increasingly more often, I started to pay attention and slowly dug deeper. In 2013, during my studies of Economics and International Affairs at Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic, I organized my first event on Bitcoin and I was overwhelmed by the mass of students that showed up – over 120 people!
From that point onwards I was even more motivated to go down the rabbit hole and explore the beautiful mix of the scientific areas that digital currencies embody. Studying this field has been the most interesting journey of my life. I got to know amazing people, organized and attended amazing events full of intelligent and open-minded entrepreneurs, scientists, and enthusiasts.
Grace Ezzell, graduating class of 2019 of MSc in Digital Currencies from the University of Nicosia (UNIC), currently works in the user operations team at Blockchain.com (formerly Blockchain.info) where she supports the wallet and block explorer.
Grace is happy to collaborate with the Institute For the Future (IFF) of the University of Nicosia (UNIC) to promote employment opportunities in the crypto and blockchain space. This is in line with IFF’s goals which includes building communities and helping society prepare for a future shaped by transformative technologies.
From a refugee camp in Amsterdam to UNIC
On 23 September 2014, I was on a date with destiny.
My life changed in 24 hours after my skilled labor contract was not renewed in the Netherlands. As a Syrian National, my life stood still and the only option to stay in the Netherlands was to apply for asylum. I closed down my crypto start-up and upscaled mining operations to ask for refuge at the Asylum centre in North Holland.
In 2009, I became interested in the innovative field of Blockchains and Bitcoin and read just about everything I could find about it. UNIC is forward thinking, innovative and open-minded. It was the first university in the world to acknowledge this new field as a legitimate academic and professional pursuit, by formally establishing an accredited Masters Degree in Digital Currency. I’m not a typical candidate for such a programme, being a Medical Doctor and a surgeon by training, so I was truly excited when I was admitted.