Professor Alkis Thrassou

Alkis Thrassou is a Professor at the School of Business, University of Nicosia (Cyprus, EU). He holds a Ph.D. in Strategic Marketing Management from the University of Leeds (UK) and is also a Chartered Marketer and Fellow (FCIM), a Chartered Construction Manager and Fellow (FCIOB), a Chartered Management Consultancy Surveyor (MRICS), a Senior Research Fellow of the EuroMed Academy of Business (SFEMAB / EMRBI), a Member of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) and a member of Cyprus’ Technical Chamber (ETEK). He has extensive academic and professional/industry experience, and has undertaken significant research in the fields of strategic marketing, management and customer behaviour. He has published over one hundred and sixty works in numerous internationally esteemed peer reviewed scientific journals and books (GS h-index 31), he has edited/guest-edited numerous journals and books, and he retains strong ties with the industry, acting also as a consultant.