Professor Nicos Trimikliniotis

School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Department of Social Sciences

Nicos Trimikliniotis is Professor of Sociology, Social Sciences and Law, at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Nicosia. He heads the team of expert of Cyprus team for the Fundamental Rights Agency of the EU. He is also a practicing Barrister. He has researched on integration, citizenship, education, migration, racism, free movement of workers, EU law, discrimination, constitutional and Labour Law. He is the National Expert for Cyprus for the European Labour Law Network. He is part of the international team on world deviance, which produced Gauging and Engaging Deviance 1600-2000, Tulika press (2014) and its’ sequel Scripts of Defiance (2017). Selection of Publications:  Mobile Commons, Migrant Digitalities and the Right to the City, Pivot, Palgrave Macmillan, 2015; Beyond a Divided Cyprus: A State and Society in Transformation, Palgrave MacMillan, 2012; The Nation-State Dialectic and the State of Exception, Savalas, Athens, 2010; Rethinking the Free Movement of Workers: The European Challenges Ahead, Wolf Legal Publishers, Nijmegen, 2009. E-mail: [email protected] and  [email protected] 

– Senior Expert heading the Cyprus team on fundamental rights issues for the Fundamental rights Agency of the EU, FRANET (2014-)

– Senior Research associate for SYMFILIOSI (NGO working on reconciliation) –Senior Research consultant for PRIO Cyprus Centre on reconciliation, discrimination and migration (2008-2012)

– National expert for the Odysseus Network (2010-)

– National expert for the European –Network of Experts on Free Movement of Workers (2008- 2013) ( )

– National Expert of the European Network for labour Law (2010-) (

– National expert for the European Network of Experts on Discrimination (2003-2007)