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The Department of Architecture [ARC], cordially invites you to the Studio Presentations for Exams for Fall 2019 Semester


Course Date Time
ARCH-101 Introduction to Architectural Design for 1st year students 13/01/2020 09:00-16:00
ARCH-201 Architectural Design II for 2nd year students 15/01/2020 09:00-14:00
ARCH-301 Architectural Design IV-Urban Design for 3rd year students 17/01/2020 09:00-16:00
ARCH-401 Architectural Design VI for 4th year students 14/01/2020 09:00-18:00
ARCH-501 Introduction to Final Project for 5th year students 20-21/01/2020 09:00-18:00


Course Date Time
INT-101 Introduction to Interior Design for 1st year students 23/01/2020 13:00-17:00
INT-201 Interior II for 2nd year students 22/01/2020 12:00-18:00
INT-301 Interior IV for 3rd year students 20/01/2020 09:00-15:00
INT-401 Interior VI for 4th year students 20/01/2020 09:00-15:00
INT-441 Final Year Project for 4th year students 23/01/2020 09:00-12:00

All presentations will take place at the Architecture Research Center, University of Nicosia.

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