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Exhibition Duration: 23 June – 7 July 2018


Degree show: Fine Art BA Programme
This year’s Fine Art Degree show by students from the University of Nicosia is being hosted at Point Centre for Contemporary Art under the title, Cyprus Young Contemporaries 2018. The exhibition consists of a range of works by young artists who, through a variety of visual art disciplines and media, both traditional and new, are exploring their particular ways of seeing and are finding their own language of expression.

Alexia Anthimou, Anna Chatzopoulou, Christofia Christofi, Özcan Kahvecioğlu
Dimitris Mariolopoulos, Sophia Scotti, Maria Stylianou
Stalo Symeou, Savvas Yerolemides, Eleutheria Xenofontos

23.06.2018 | 19.00 | Roundtable discussion around practice based research in contemporary art.
Contributions by: Rachel Garfield (University of Reading, UK); Haris Pelapaissiotis (University of Nicosia) & Evi Tselika (University of Nicosia)

Opening Hours: 
Wednesday-Friday 10:00-17:00
Saturday 11:00-15:00
*Point can also be visited by appointment outside opening hours.

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