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Join the UNIC Student Clubs

Are you ready to embark on a journey of skill development, creative expression, and meaningful connections? Look no further than the vibrant realm of UNIC Student Clubs! Through the UNIC Portal, you now have the key to unlock a world of opportunities and experiences. 

Joining Made Easy

Ready to dive in? Join the various student clubs any time via the UNIC Portal and explore the diverse array of clubs and become a part of the ones that resonate with your interests. 

Prefer Face-to-Face Interaction?

For those who relish in-person interactions, mark your calendars for 8 October 2024, and head to the Open Amphitheatre from 11:00 to 14:00 and find out more on the club(s) you are interested. If you cannot find one that meets your interests, no problem! We can get creative and activate a new one!  

Don’t Miss Out!

For more information, contact:

Department of Student Affairs
Tel.: 22842150
Email: [email protected]

For Sports Clubs:

Sports Office
Tel.: 22842163
Email: [email protected] 

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