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Seminar 1: Introducing Gnosis | Mediterranean Institute for Management Science: Collaboration Opportunities
Gnosis | Mediterranean Institute for Management Science is actively and dynamically pursuing funding through local, European and international funds (e.g. Research & Innovation Foundation, European Commission, Commonwealth Foundation etc.) for research projects of substantial, tangible and impactful scientific, economic and social value, in accordance with current local and global needs and priorities.
Our in-house researchers and professionals have long experience in drafting and submitting proposals, as well as in project management and coordination of projects, both as scientific partners and coordinators. Our people are involved in all aspects of the projects’ lifecycle, from idea formation to proposal writing, partner search, proposal submission, project management and implementation. Carrying the requisite experience from varied academic and research backgrounds they are in a position to materialise projects from interdisciplinary sectors (e.g. Business & Management, Medical Sciences, IT, Engineering, Social Sciences and Humanities). With proficiencies gained from over 100 such projects and tenders already secured and completed by our directors and professionals over the past few years, Gnosis is setting up inter- and intra-organizational teams to expand its funded research operations across knowledge fields, industries and regions, maintaining a transversal approach.
Our large, international network of reliable collaborators across the typological spectrum, including private, public, governmental, NGOs, the start-up ecosystem, and civil society organisations, further supports our innovative initiatives by offering their expertise.
Join us to learn how we can assist you in achieving progress together.
Dr Stelios Stylianou
Head of Funded Research,
GNOSIS | Mediterranean Institute for Management Science
Dr Maria Hadjiathanasiou
Research Fellow,
GNOSIS | Mediterranean Institute for Management Science
This seminar is part of the Research Skills Development Programme (RSDP) series. For more information visit