Traditional Mediterranean Lifestyle | Millennia in the making and as healthy as it gets!
by Labros Sidossis, Distinguished Professor, Department of Kinesiology and Health, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA | President, Mediterranean Lifestyle Medicine Institute, Island of Leros, Greece
Twenty-five centuries ago Hippocrates emphasized a holistic approach to medicine, warning doctors not to neglect any body systems when examining a sick person. All lifestyle factors were to be considered when treating disease symptoms and the advice/treatment should focus not only on alleviating the symptoms but to achieve total wellbeing.
The presentation “Traditional Mediterranean Lifestyle: Millennia in the making and as healthy as it gets!” will introduce the concept of the Mediterranean lifestyle as a healthy way of living, a healthy lifestyle that can lead to total wellbeing.
* The use of FFP2/KN95/N95 face mask is mandatory
About Labros S. Sidossis
Labros S. Sidossis, PhD, FTOS, FAHA is a Distinguished Professor, Department of Kinesiology and Health and Professor, Department of Medicine at Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA.
He holds a BS in Exercise Sciences, an MS in Exercise Physiology, an MA in Exercise Biochemistry and Nutrition, and a PhD in Nutrition – Metabolic Biochemistry from the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, Texas, USA.
Prof Sidossis’ research over the past 30 years has focused on the role of lifestyle factors (nutrition and exercise) in the prevention and treatment of major cardiometabolic diseases, including obesity, insulin resistance and dyslipidemias.
His studies have been funded by the National Institutes of Health (USA), the American Diabetes Association, the Shriners Hospitals for Children, the European Union, and the industry. His 210+ papers in peer-reviewed journals have been cited over 17000 times; h¬-index: 62; i10-index: 168.