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“Professions of the Future at UNIC”

Meet the University of Nicosia in Moscow on Wednesday, 18 December 2019, and be informed about the “Professions of the Future at UNIC”. Students and parents will have the chance to attend a presentation by a representative of the University of Nicosia (UNIC), Cyprus.

Topics of the Presentation:

  1. “Professions of the Future at UNIC: What will be in Trend over the next 20 years!”
    • IT
    • Cybersecurity
    • Architecture
    • Engineering specialties
  2. The University of Nicosia and the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO) have joined forces in the academic fields of International Relations, European Studies, Law and Politics in the European Union, well as in International Political Consulting. During the first year, students will study in Nicosia and during the second year, they will be studying in Moscow.
  3. Programmes in the field of Business and Communication (covering the fields of Marketing, PR, Advertising, Mass Media, and Design, including journalism, TV production, graphic design, interior design, etc.)

Moreover, University of Nicosia, Cass Business School, City University of London, Deloitte and Globaltraining have joined forces to offer an innovative study route in Accounting and Finance. The aim of the collaboration is to maximize the learning and experience of students through two years of academic studies at UNIC, followed by two years at Cass, during which they will participate in business workshops and engage in rich internship experiences at Deloitte. The partnership thus offers candidates the opportunity to obtain the City University of London (CASS Business School) bachelor degree “BSc Accounting and Finance” while building their professional skills working alongside Deloitte professionals.

Venue: SI IELTS Test Center Conference Hall, Moscow, st. Shchipok, house 20, 3rd floor
(the nearest metro stations: Serpukhovskaya, Paveletskaya)

For more information, contact Ms Evgeniya Kasyan, Regional Counsellor Russia and CIS at [email protected]


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