«European Procedural Law after Brexit: delays and the need for acceleration, technology in the administration justice and ADR mechanisms»

Written by:
Dr. Nicolas Kyriakides
Mr. Konstantinos Giallouridis
Mr. Cleopatra Khattab

The third (2019, 2021, 2022) annual symposium of the Procedural Law Unit at the University of Nicosia, was held in December 2022, in memory of the late Professor Constantinos Kerameos, coorganised with the Cyprus Bar Association.

The general theme of the Symposium was “European Procedural Law after Brexit: delays and the need for acceleration, technology in the administration justice and ADR mechanisms”. The purpose of the symposium, building on the foundations of the first, was to continue the fruitful discussions, combining the empirical research findings, the studies of distinguished speakers, the thoughts and concerns of the academic and policymaking community, so as to contribute to the rapid, efficient and effective administration of justice, through technological advancement and Alternative Dispute Resolution.