Education and Training

Education is the natural habitat of the University of Nicosia. And Gnosis capitalizes on the vast experience, knowledge, infrastructure, systems and expertise of its institutional umbrella and itself, to disseminate knowledge at the academic and industry levels.

Academic programmes – Through its people and research, Gnosis supports, strengthens and participates in academic business programmes of UNIC, as well as of other institutions internationally, at the Bachelor, Masters and Doctoral levels. Gnosis particularly supports PhD students, offering scholarships and an array of opportunities for learning and development at the highest academic degree; and preparing them to dynamically enter academia professionally.

Academic short coursesGnosis offers and/or supports ad hoc short, optionally customized academic courses of compacted knowledge on an array of topics relevant to business (Marketing, Management etc.); but also interdisciplinary courses that reflect business evolution (Business AI & Digitalization, Business Sustainability etc.).

Seminar SeriesGnosis offers and/or supports seminar series of both academic and executive, as well as social value.

Executive/Industry TrainingGnosis offers and/or supports training courses of a more executive/practical nature, both open to all and customized for individual industries or companies.