Pure Research & Publications

About Our Research & Publications

At the heart of Gnosis’ activities and purpose lies the incessant pursuit of scientific knowledge. This was the seed that created Gnosis, this is the driving force of its achievements, and this is the very meaning of its name.

Gnosis’ scholars have produced and published hundreds of peer-reviewed scientific publications, including journal and conference proceedings articles, books and chapters. They have further edited hundreds of journal issues, books and conference proceedings, and are themselves Editors in Chief, Managing Editors, Associate Editors, Consulting Editors, Editorial Board members and Reviewers to many prestigious journals and book series. More importantly, Gnosis scholars are constantly raising the bar of publication standards with a focus on quality and publications of the highest international standard and of the greatest impact on business, the economy and society at large.

Our Publications

Indicatively, our academic journal publications include among others, publications in the following prestigious and highly ranked journals:

British Journal of Management; Human Resource Management (USA); Journal of World Business, International Journal of Human Resource Management; Journal of Product Innovation Management; Journal of Business Research; Journal of International Management; International Marketing Review; Technological Forecasting and Social Change; International Business Review; European Management Review, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management; Technovation, Human Resource Management Review, Annals of Operations Research, Journal of Organizational Behavior, European Business Review; Journal of Marketing Management; Journal of Services Marketing; Journal of Sustainable Tourism; Information Systems Frontiers, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, R & D Management, International Journal of Management Reviews; Journal of General Management; International Studies of Management and Organization; Management Decision; Employee Relations; Journal of Knowledge Management, Journal of Intellectual Capital, Thunderbird International Business Review; Journal of Place Management and Development, Journal of Social Entrepreneurship; International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business; Business Process Management Journal; Journal of Operational Risk, Journal of Marketing Communications; EuroMed Journal of Business; Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research; Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing; Journal of Technology Transfer; International Journal of Consumer Studies; The Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal; Tourism Management Perspectives; Marketing Intelligence and Planning; Journal of Customer Behaviour; Journal of Product and Brand Management; Journal of Brand Management; Marketing Review; International Journal of Business Studies; the Global Business and Economics Review; Journal of Textile Institute; British Food Journal; Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management; World Review of Entrepreneurship; Management and Sustainable Development; Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, and many more.”

Directors’ Publications

Our Institutional and Individual Research Collaborators

The core, ‘pure science’ division of Gnosis has been particularly successful in building, strengthening and expanding a notable network of collaborations with scholars from numerous and prominent institutions around the world. This web of scientific interactions and their evident outputs are a tribute to the effectiveness and tangibility of Gnosis’ scientific yield, and a testament to the confidence in Gnosis scholars by the international scientific community.

Our Institutional Networks

Demetris Vrontis

Alkis Thrassou

Added Research Value

Further to scientific output, Gnosis’ scientific division serves its institution, its partners and society at large in other fundamental and substantive ways:

  • It attracts and nurtures promising students, young scientists, offering them research/PhD scholarships, and and postdoctoral positions, guiding and training them, and employing them in research related positions; thus building the foundation for its own future.
  • It acts as a scientific conduit between schools, institutions and individuals from different disciplines, facilitating synergies and the pursuit of common research goals.
  • It provides publication opportunities to its internal and external partners through a constant steam of books, journals and journal special issues.