Dr George Gregoriou
George Gregoriou earned his BSc (Summa Cum Laude) in Electrical Engineering from the University of South Alabama in 1986 and his MSc and PhD in Electrical Engineering from Drexel University in 1998 and 1992, respectively. He worked as a Research Assistant Professor for one year at Drexel University and for three years at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
His research interests are in the areas of Signal and Image Processing, Texture Analysis, Statistical Pattern Recognition, Computer Vision, Medical Imaging (SPECT, MRI), Image Reconstruction from Projections, Computers in Education, E-Learning and M-Learning, and RFID Systems in Healthcare Applications. He has presented papers in numerous conferences and has published more than thirty papers in conference proceedings and refereed journals such as the Journal of Nuclear Medicine and the IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. He is a Senior member of the IEEE and of the following IEEE member Societies: Computer, Signal Processing, Communication, and Engineering in Medicine and Biology. He has reviewed papers for several prestigious IEEE Conferences, including the IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems, the IEEE Region 8 EUROCON and the IEEE Mediterranean Electro-technical Conference. He has been a co-investigator in five research grants worth over €5M and sponsored by the National Institutes of Health and the Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation. He was a national delegate of COST B21 action titled Physiological Modeling of MR Image Formation.