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A Leading Authority on Sustainability, Leadership and Corporate Responsibility
Advisor & International Keynote Speaker
Associate Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at London Business School
Agraduate of magna cum laude from Yale University, majoring in Economics and Mathematics, and holder of a PhD in Business Economics from Harvard University and the Harvard Business School. He is currently a tenured Associate Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at London Business School.
Through his award-winning academic work, advisory roles, teaching, and engagement with executives, he focuses on understanding whether, how, and the extent to which companies and capital markets can lead on the path toward a sustainable future. Ioannis is the Co-Chair of the sustainability advisory panel of Merck KGaA, a member of the ESG advisory board of the DWS Group, a member of the World Economic Forum experts network specializing in sustainable development, and a member of the advisory board of AXS Investments Institute for sustainable investing.
He has also been recognized by several rankings as one of the top social media influencers on issues of corporate sustainability. Frequently quoted in articles in the press including outlets such as the Financial Times, Bloomberg, The Guardian, BBC, and Forbes, among others.
About The TALK
Adapt or Perish: Responding to the Sustainability Disruption
In recent years, companies and executives are faced with ever-increasing demands, expectations and unprecedented pressure to operate more sustainably. Organisations must effectively address the social, environmental, governance (ESG), and economic impacts of their actions and operations.
In other words, the emerging sustainability challenge is about being able to balance out the often-conflicting demands and expectations of multiple, complex and diverse stakeholders while generating financial and social value.
That’s why Sustainability is becoming a major business disruption: because most companies are lacking the skills, knowledge, and expertise required to navigate this disruption successfully. As a result, the Sustainability challenge presents companies with a fundamental dilemma: to adapt or perish.
Professor Ioannou will present and discuss empirical evidence for the emergence of the “sustainable organization”; a new type of modern business organization that genuinely and effectively integrates environmental and social issues into its business model, strategy, organizational structure, and conduct.
Finally, Ioannou will tell us why sustainable organisations outperform traditional ones.