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Chief Executive Officer – Inter Milan

Michael Bolingbroke is currently the Football Club CEO of Inter Milan. His scope of responsibilities span across the entire business, both on and off the pitch. Prior to joining Inter Milan, Bolingbroke was Chief Operating Officer at Manchester United FC, a position he held for seven years. His remit covered ticketing, hospitality, match and non-match day operations, club secretarial functions, property management and corporate services. Prior to working in football, Bolingbroke spent six years as Senior Vice-President, at Cirque du Soleil, where he managed strategy, profitability and operations for the global business. With such an impressive portfolio in operations, he has mastered the art of managing complex organisations.

About The TALK

Effective management in complex organisations

“Drawing from my time in leadership positions, I will look at the importance of ensuring that the leadership team around you are appropriately skilled and incentivized correctly, and that the organisation’s mindset is able to make the right staffing decisions at the right time. Secondly, driving growth – through geographical expansion, the extension of customer bases and the development of new products, whilst seemingly obvious, is fraught with pitfalls, and I will look at how to avoid these whilst maintaining growth.’’

Bolingbroke believes in the importance of forging effective relationships between the creative and innovation driving sides of a company, and the business and sales sides. ‘‘Dealing with the egos & demands of individuals who regard themselves as critical to a business is also a major challenge, and often the key to success in the leisure industry.”

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