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Adjunct Professor, Organisational Behaviour
London Business School
Founder and CEO of Tammy Erickson Associates

Tamara J. Erickson is a McKinsey award-winning author, a leading expert on generations in the workplace, and a widely-respected expert on collaboration and innovation, the changing workforce, and the nature of work in intelligent organisations. She has been named one of the 50 most influential living management thinkers in the world on three occassions. She has written a trilogy of books on how individuals in specific generations can excel in today’s workplace: ‘‘Retire Retirement’’, ‘‘What’s Next, Gen X?’’ and ‘‘Plugged In’’. Presently, she is writing a fourth generational-focused book on a new, emerging cohort she calls the ReGeneration, those who are 20 and under today.

About The TALK

Managing talent in the framework of a changing workforce

Erickson will talk to us about the interface of four generations working together in today’s workplace and why it is increasingly important to create a culture that is welcoming and engaging for talented individuals of all ages.

Based on years of in-depth research and three books on generations in the workforce, Erickson helps audiences understand the underlying evolution of the assumptions each generation brings to work, with humour, empathy and enormous insight.

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