UNIC in the News
Institute of Food Technologists Honors Top Leaders in Science of Food Community with 2024 Fellows, Achievement Awards Recognition – IFT.org
The Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), a nonprofit scientific organization committed to advancing the science of food and its application across the global food system with members spanning academia, government, and industry, is pleased to announce this year’s Achievement Awards winners as well as the 2024 Class of IFT Fellows.
Blasting air conditioning for 12 minutes could prevent virus outbreaks on cruise ships – Study Finds
Blasting air conditioning for 12 minutes could prevent virus outbreaks on cruise ships NICOSIA, Cyprus — Cruise ships can steer clear of spreading illnesses like COVID and norovirus by blasting the air conditioner in cabins for 12 minutes, a [...]
Cruise ships rethink ventilation to minimize viral spread • Earth.com
Cruise ships rethink ventilation to minimize viral spread As the COVID-19 pandemic emerged, one of the most pronounced impacts was observed on cruise ships. A disproportionate number of cruise ship passengers were infected with the virus and stranded onboard [...]
Study investigates virus spread in cruise ship cabins: More ventilation does not mean safer conditions
https://medicalxpress.com/news/2023-10-virus-cruise-ship-cabins-ventilation.html Study investigates virus spread in cruise ship cabins: More ventilation does not mean safer conditions by American Institute of Physics When COVID-19 began to spread across the globe, its effects were significantly pronounced on cruise ships. Indeed, compared to [...]
Best way to stop spread of viruses like Covid on cruise ships | Express.co.uk
https://www.express.co.uk/life-style/health/1829937/covid-cruise-ships-stop-spread Express. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. Blasting the cabin on a cruise ship with air con for a certain amount of time could stop the spread of viruses such as Covid. COVID patients exhale high levels [...]
University rankings assist in making the right decision | Cyprus Mail
Choosing a university and, more importantly, a field of study that can bring about desired outcomes in one’s life, are among the most daunting yet important steps for a school-leaver to take.
Πόσο ελκυστικά είναι τα κυπριακά πανεπιστήμια για τους φοιτητές | LiFO
Όλα όσα θέλετε να γνωρίζετε για τις πανεπιστημιακές κατατάξεις, τι πρέπει να προσέχετε σε αυτές και ποιο είναι το μπέρδεμα που έχει προκληθεί.
Το σκορ των κυπριακών πανεπιστημίων διεθνώς, Η ΚΑΘΗΜΕΡΙΝΗ, kathimerini.com.cy
Αναβαθμίζεται η ανώτερη εκπαίδευση στην Κύπρο, ποια πανεπιστήμια συγκεντρώνουν την υψηλότερη βαθμολογία στις λίστες οργανισμών κατάταξης
Μνημόνιο συνεργασίας Τράπεζα Κύπρου, Unic | Stockwatch – Παράθυρο στην Οικονομία
Την υπογραφή Μνημονίου Συνεργασίας ανακοίνωσαν το Τμήμα Πληροφορικής, Σχολή Επιστημών και Μηχανικής του Πανεπιστημίου Λευκωσίας και η Τράπεζα Κύπρου.
Η Πανδημία στρέφει τους νέους σε σχολές Επιστημών Ζωής και Υγείας
Συνέντευξη του καθηγητή Κυριάκου Φελέκκη, Κοσμήτορα της Σχολής Επιστημών Ζωής και Υγείας του Πανεπιστημίου Λευκωσίας