Dr Konstantinos Liaras

Konstantinos Liaras is a Doctor of Medicinal Chemistry of the department of Pharmacy at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. He is a community pharmacist, an elected national delegate of Panhellenic Pharmaceutical Association, and also a council member of the Pharmaceutical Association of Kilkis, Greece. Moreover, Dr. Liaras is a compounder and has experience in teaching Medicinal Chemistry, Drug Discovery and Pharmacology. Dr Liaras’s research interests include the design, synthesis, purification, structural determination, identification, and SAR study of novel synthetic heterocyclic compounds, as well as the evaluation of anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, and antioxidant activity of synthesized molecules. He is currently teaching as adjunct faculty at the “MSc in Drug Regulatory Affairs” of the University of Nicosia. He has published 8 peer reviewed articles, with an h index of 8 and he is also author of the book “Antifungal Compounds Discovery: Natural and Synthetic Approaches”.