The latest activities of our Faculty members include conference participations, publications, and appointments to editorial boards:
Professor Peter Karayiannis is the last author of the research article titled ‘Quasispecies Changes with Distinctive Point Mutations in the Hepatitis C Virus Internal Ribosome Entry Site (IRES) Derived from PBMCs and Plasma’ published in Advances in Virology 19 Nov 2018.
Associate Professor George Samoutis is one of the authors of a review paper titled ‘Single-payer or a multipayer health system: a systematic literature review’ published in Public Health (Elsevier, 5 September 2018)
Associate Professor Dimitrios Kanakis is the senior author of a case report titled ‘Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma (PXA) vs. giant cell glioblastoma (gcGBM): a diagnostic challenge for pathologists’ published in Advances in Neurology and Neurosciences (Ology Press, 4 September 2018)
In addition, Dr Kanakis has recently been appointed to the editorial board of the Journal Clinical Research in Neurology
Assistant Professor Theano Kalavana was an invited speaker at the 8th Annual Conference of Oncological Nursing held in Nicosia on 13 October 2018 where she presented her research paper titled ‘How Breast cancer patients’ self-regulation skills are related to patients’ commitment to treatment and therapy’
Assistant Professor Elena Philippou is the first author and Assistant Professor Alexandros Heraclides is one of the contributors to the paper ‘Dietary glycaemic index and cognitive function: prospective associations in adults of the 1946 British birth cohort’ published in Public Health Nutrition 5 November 2018
Assistant Professor Nicoletta Nicolaou is one of the authors of the abstract ‘Haemodynamic stability of closed-loop anaesthesia systems: a systematic review and meta-analysis, accepted at The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain & Ireland Winter Scientific Meeting (AAGI WSM 2019), London, UK, 9-11 January 2019.