Christos Varounis
Clinical Assistant Professor
Dr Christos Varounis is a Clinical Assistant Professor in Cardiology at the University of Nicosia Medical School.
Dr Varounis holds Master degrees in Biostatistics (University of Athens), Clinical Epidemiology (Erasmus MC), Health Economics (LSE), Business Administration (EUC) as well as a PhD in Cardiology (University of Athens). Dr Varounis is a consultant Cardiologist trained for 6 years in Internal Medicine and Cardiology (University of Athens) acquiring a Medical Board Certification in Cardiology and he has been trained in advanced cardiac imaging at University of Athens. He has served in various positions in Medical and Scienitific Affairs of pharma industry and he currently holds the role of Global Associate Medical Director in health care industry.
His research covers the areas of cardiovascular epidemiology, heart failure, cardiovascular biomarkers, preventive cardiology, clinical trials and meta-analyses.