Vision for Research
Research performance thrives in a skilled, competitive and innovative environment where researchers receive a high level of support.
Research for the good of science, society and the economy is the driving force of prominent universities across the globe; and loyal to this principle, the University of Nicosia is resolute in excelling in this endeavor. Within an increasingly competitive, global environment of higher education, our focus is correspondingly shifting towards increasing the volume and quality of our research publications, as well as the number of research proposals submitted to and grants obtained from funding agencies.
Over the last years, the University of Nicosia, in line with its rapid growth in terms of students and faculty, has seen a surge of research output in existing and new fields of science.
Striving to build a global presence, accredited by leading international ranking bodies, the University of Nicosia aims to strengthen its existing research and to further develop new procedural, motivational and infrastructural means to individual and collective faculty research prominence.
Among other actions, we look forward to:
- Enhancing a research-nurturing environment with tangible and discernible research success
- Strengthening support for competitively funded and application-related research
- Assisting and fostering faculty and research scientists with outstanding evident and promising work and allowing for an even greater scope for scientific creativity and independence
- Substantively promoting research cooperation across disciplines, and with other internationally prominent institutions and researchers
- Reinforcing, developing and expanding information technology and online infrastructure and services
- Creating the positive spirit and functional synergies that will generate research, which benefits and adds value to individual scientists, the institution and society at large.
Successes in the field of research are the critical means to improving on all performance dimensions of the university. Significant scientific output offers students a teaching staff of the highest standard and with knowledge that is new and ‘first hand’; it allows the transfer of scientific and technological knowledge and information to and from industry, the economy and the wider society; it creates visibility and a lasting positive image of the university locally and internationally; it attracts more and better students; it gives departments identity and substance; it draws the attention of and collaboration with internationally prominent scholars and institutions; and, in essence, it shapes a university’s image, purpose and role.
True and significant world-class scientific research transcends functionality and the individual. It is a notion, an attitude and a spirit that we share. A philosophy that has seen the University of Nicosia grow and achieve, and which shall continue to guide us in the future, with everlasting success.
Professor Demetris Vrontis
Vice Rector for Faculty and Research