Internal Evaluation Committee
At the University of Nicosia there is an internal program evaluation. The Council of the Department of Digital Innovation appoints internal and external evaluators who are responsible for the evaluation of the program. They evaluate the program and offer suggestions for improvement.
The Department’s Council appoints a three-member evaluation committee which consists of the Head or Associate Head of the Department, a faculty member of the Department with experience or expertise in program quality assurance, as well as a student of the program. The members of the committee examine the program’s progress and they make suggestions for improvement at the Department’s Council. Furthermore, at the end of each semester there is a meeting between the School’s Dean, the Head of the Department and the coordinator of the concerned specialty and after they consider the programs, they also make suggestions for improvement. Additional suggestions for improvement are offered by the faculty members of the Department in the form of issues to discuss in the Department’s council. In addition, all course syllabi are submitted to the course coordinators (faculty members of the Department) and the program coordinator for feedback. Self-assessments of the program are also conducted via anonymous questionnaires distributed to the students.
The Internal Evaluation Committees have been set at the level of the University and Departments, following the guidelines that were set by the Cyprus National Agency for Quality Assurance. For more information about these guidelines please visit: