Department’s Mission Statement
The mission of the Social Sciences Department is to educate future mental health professionals who will have a significant and positive impact on people’s lives, empowering individuals, families, groups and communities at large. With this in mind, the Department has adopted a set of core values, which are integrated into its programmes and curricula. These values reflect beliefs and aspirations, which are strongly held by the Department’s faculty members. As such, they represent a set of shared ideals that the faculty strive to exemplify in their teaching and in the learning environment of the program. These values include mutual respect and responsibility, integrity, flexibility and innovation, dedication to excellence, continuous quality improvement, equal opportunities for all, service to others, professionalism and ethics, sociocultural and international awareness and personal development. Under this framework, the Department of Social Sciences aims to contribute significantly with international acclaim in research, to affect positive changes through community service and involvement in policy-making institutions and to ultimately create a presence for the Department with regional and international stature.