Department of Social Sciences2025-02-06T11:09:50+02:00

Department of Social Sciences

School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Department of Social Sciences

The Department of Social Sciences offers competitive programmes in a range of sought-after areas in the disciplines of Psychology, Social Work, and Criminology. The department has always been a pioneer in its field of expertise in Cyprus, where it established the first postgraduate degree in Clinical Psychology, the first university mental health training clinic (KESY), and the first postgraduate degree in Criminology. We provide an innovative education for future mental health professionals, which ensures that they will have a significant and positive impact in people’s lives, empowering individuals, families, groups, and communities at large. Faculty are highly involved in industry, practice, research, and policy making, participating in key organisations in their field, both nationally and internationally (EU and UN bodies). With a modern teaching approach to contemporary psychosocial issues and a strong research-oriented curriculum, you will acquire critical knowledge, skills, and conceptual understanding that will enable you to become a catalyst for change in these sectors.

University of Nicosia: One of the leading universities in the area of Social Sciences

University of Nicosia: One of the leading universities in the area of Psychology

Why Study Social Sciences at UNIC

  • Programmes are designed to reflect a contemporary approach to current issues

  • Comprehensive degree offering clinical placements and practical training

  • Faculty are highly involved in industry, practice, research, and policy making

  • The first Research Centre for Social Work and Social Policy in Cyprus was founded by our department

  • The Centre for Therapy, Training and Research (KESY) acts as a training site where our Psychology students carry out their practicum

  • Internationally recognised curriculum in Psychology meeting the requirements of European (EuroPsy) American (APA), and British (BPS) guidelines

  • Postgraduate degrees lead to a practitioner’s license in Cyprus and the EU

What our Students say

“UNIC’s Social Work program gave me the opportunity to work in the field and gain the appropriate experiences that served me well for my future, through attending classes and internships. At every stage of my student life, my teachers provided me with all the necessary tools… Become a social worker yourself.”

Michalis Polykarpou, Social Work - Class of 2018

“While being a young migrant woman myself, I started working with disadvantaged populations and more specifically with refugees and migrants in 2005. My involvement in the human rights field made me want to pursue an education in the field of Social Work, as I believed this would help me make better sense of my experience and would allow me to take on progressively responsible roles.
My dreams became a reality when I started my studies in 2011, after being granted a full scholarship by the University of Nicosia (UNIC). It was beyond imagination that when I graduated in 2015, I would also be awarded as the Best Social Work Student and as the Outstanding Achiever for Social Contribution
I had a wonderful journey at UNIC, thanks to the support and encouragement of the lecturers, practicum supervisors and administration staff, managing to make most out my time there! ”

Fatema Islam, Social Work - Class of 2015

“While studying at a UK university, I landed the amazing opportunity to go on a 1-year Erasmus exchange to UNIC. Two semesters in Cyprus made me want to drop everything in London and move here. And that’s exactly what I did! I’m now in my 4th year, and last semester as a Psychology student, and I couldn’t be happier!
This has been an indescribable learning opportunity. I’m currently applying for a summer job at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), which is an endeavour I believe UNIC gave me the confidence to undertake!”

Sophia Bulatova, Psychology, Class of 2017

“Four years of undergraduate studies in Psychology have taught me what it means to acquire knowledge, how to acquire the correct knowledge, but, most importantly, how to critically evaluate such knowledge. They taught me how to think and not just what to think. I grew as a person, as well as a professional. That’s why I chose to continue my studies here – I’m currently pursuing my Master’s degree in Psychology.”

Constantinos Agathocleous, Psychology, Class of 2014 | Counseling Psychology, Class of 2018


The Centre for Therapy, Training and Research (KESY)

KESY is the first psychology training clinic in Cyprus. Founded by UNIC, the centre was established to better meet the mental health needs of members of the wider community, and to contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge in the field of psychology through ongoing research initiatives. The Centre provides a safe, caring, and professional environment in which people can access counselling services. It aims to train, educate and inform students, parents, professionals, and the public at large, through workshops, seminars, lectures and supervision. KESY also acts as a training site where our Psychology students can carry out their practicum, while it serves as an on-campus office for Psychological Support to UNIC students more broadly.

Department News

Department Events

Το Πρόγραμμα Κοινωνικής Εργασίας του Τμήματος Κοινωνικών Επιστημών του Πανεπιστημίου Λευκωσίας διοργανώνει διαδικτυακό σεμινάριο με τίτλο: «Ο ρόλος της εποπτείας στο χώρο των κοινωνικών υπηρεσιών: Πολυτέλεια ή αναγκαιότητα;».

Το Πρόγραμμα Κοινωνικής Εργασίας του Πανεπιστήμιου Λευκωσίας το Παγκύπριο Συντονιστικό Συμβούλιο Εθελοντισμού και το ΕΣΣΕ Λευκωσίας σας προσκαλούν στο 31ο Ετήσιο Συνέδριο του Παγκύπριου Συντονιστικού Συμβουλίου Εθελοντισμού | Προσέλκυση των Νέων στα Διοικητικά Συμβούλια των Εθελοντικών Οργανώσεων/ΜΚΟ.

Each year, the University of Nicosia Graduation Ceremonies are broadcast live online.

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