All Events

The Career Success Centre would like to invite you on Thursday, 13 March 2025 to the guest speaker series seminar: Navigating AI: Ethics, Innovation, and Student Success at the University of Nicosia.

The Career Success Centre and the School of Education of the University of Nicosia would like to invite you on Wednesday, 5 March 2025 to the guest speaker series webinar: Unlocking Opportunities: SABIS® Career Pathways and Application Insights.

The Career Success Centre would like to invite you on Thursday, 27 February 2025 to the guest speaker series seminar: LinkedIn Presentation: How to Rock Your Profile.

The Department of Student Affairs and the Career Success Center are excited to invite students and alumni to embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

With the aim of supporting young people in connecting with the local and international job market, and linking businesses with the University, its students and graduates, the Career Success Centre of the University of Nicosia is organising sector-specific job fairs.

With the aim of supporting young people in connecting with the local and international job market, and linking businesses with the University, its students and graduates, the Career Success Centre of the University of Nicosia is organising sector-specific job fairs.

With the aim of supporting young people in connecting with the local and international job market, and linking businesses with the University, its students and graduates, the Career Success Centre of the University of Nicosia is organising sector-specific job fairs.

Career Success Centre | Drop-In Session  

20 November, 2024 @ 11:30 - 13:30 EET

Drop in and learn more about how to fast track your career! Get to know how we can support your professional journey and start exploring all the possibilities for a successful future career!

The Career Success Centre would like to invite you on Tuesday, 19 November 2024 to the Guest Speaker Series Seminar: Setting the Foundations for Career Growth.

The Career Success Centre would like to invite you on Thursday, 31 October 2024 to the Guest Speaker Series Seminar: Career Compass: Navigating your Strengths and Skills for a Successful Future

The Career Success Centre would like to invite you on Wednesday, 30 October 2024 to the guest speaker series webinar: Empowering Your Academic and Professional Journey with AI.

Proggy-Buggy Programming Olympiad

26 October, 2024 @ 12:00 - 14:00 EEST

The Career Success Centre and the Department of Computer Science with the support of the IT Department is bringing to you on campus the chance to join in person the Proggy-Buggy Programming Olympiad organised by DataArt!

The Career Success Centre would like to invite you on Tuesday, 22 October 2024 to the guest speaker series webinar: Career opportunities at EU institutions.

The Department of Student Affairs and the Career Success Center are excited to invite students and alumni to embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

CSC | Coca-Cola HBC Youth Empowered Stage 1 Day

17 April, 2024 @ 09:00 - 16:00 EEST

The Career Success Centre of the University of Nicosia in cooperation with Coca – Cola HBC Cyprus organise the Youth Empowered (YE) Stage 1 Day on Wednesday, 17 April 2024 between 9:00-16:00 at UNESCO Amphitheatre, University of Nicosia.  

With the aim of supporting young people in connecting with the local and international job market, and linking businesses with the University, its students and graduates, the Career Success Centre of the University of Nicosia is organising sector-specific job fairs.

With the aim of supporting young people in connecting with the local and international job market, and linking businesses with the University, its students and graduates, the Career Success Centre of the University of Nicosia is organising sector-specific job fairs.

With the aim of supporting young people in connecting with the local and international job market, and linking businesses with the University, its students and graduates, the Career Success Centre of the University of Nicosia is organising sector-specific job fairs.

Learn how to set achievable goals, leverage your strengths, and make smart decisions to shape a successful professional journey. Acquire invaluable insights and strategies to navigate your career path with confidence.

Career Success Centre | Drop-In Session

20 March, 2024 @ 11:30 - 13:30 EET

Drop in and learn more about how to fast track your career! Get to know how we can support your professional journey and start exploring all the possibilities for a successful future career!  The session will be held on Wednesday, 20 March 2024 at 11:30 – 13:30 at UNESCO Amphitheatre.  

The Career Success Centre would like to invite you on Thursday, 7 March 2024 to the guest speaker series webinar: Career opportunities at EU institutions.

Σκοπός της Ημερίδας είναι να ενημερώσει τους φοιτητές και τις φοιτήτριες για θέματα που αφορούν στην επαγγελματική τους μάθηση, ανάπτυξη και σταδιοδρομία, όπως είναι οι εξετάσεις διορίσιμων εκπαιδευτικών και οι απαραίτητες προϋποθέσεις για μια πετυχημένη συνέντευξη.

We will explore a winner's mindset of how to think and feel, to ensure you are always meeting your goals and enjoying long lasting success.

The Career Success Centre would like to invite you on Wednesday, 6 December 2023 to the guest speaker series seminar: Work Reimagined: Gen AI and other forces impacting the future of work.

With the aim of supporting young people in connecting with the local and international job market, and linking businesses with the University, its students and graduates, the Career Success Centre of the University of Nicosia is organising sector-specific job fairs.

With the aim of supporting young people in connecting with the local and international job market, and linking businesses with the University, its students and graduates, the Career Success Centre of the University of Nicosia is organising sector-specific job fairs.

Το Γραφείο Σταδιοδρομίας του Πανεπιστημίου Λευκωσίας σας προσκαλεί σε διαδικτυακό εργαστήρι με θέμα “Ξεκλειδώνοντας την επαγγελματική σας επιτυχία: Τα 5 βήματα για μία επιτυχημένη καριέρα” με την επικεφαλής Ανάπτυξης Σταδιοδρομίας & Δέσμευσης στην Κοινότητα Highered, Μαρία Μωραγιάννη.

Mastering Soft Skills for Career Success

19 October, 2023 @ 13:30 EEST

The Career Success Centre would like to invite you on Thursday, 19 October to the workshop: Mastering Soft Skills for Career Success.

Job fair in IT by the UNIC Career Success Centre

4 May, 2023 @ 11:00 - 15:00 EEST

With the aim of supporting young people in connecting with the local and international job market, and linking businesses with the University, its students and graduates, the Career Success Centre of the University of Nicosia is organising sector-specific job fairs.

With the aim of supporting young people in connecting with the local and international job market, and linking businesses with the University, its students and graduates, the Career Success Centre of the University of Nicosia is organising sector-specific job fairs.

With the aim of supporting young people in connecting with the local and international job market, and linking businesses with the University, its students and graduates, the Career Success Centre of the University of Nicosia is organising sector-specific job fairs.

With the aim of supporting young people in connecting with the local and international job market, and linking businesses with the University, its students and graduates, the Career Success Centre of the University of Nicosia is organising sector-specific job fairs.

Exclusive Session by Highered I Live CV Clinic with UNIC Talent Highered welcomes UNIC talent to join an exclusive to UNIC Live CV Clinic, hosted by Maria Moragianis, Head of Career Development & Community Engagement at Highered. During this interactive and practical session, Maria Moragiannis will provide key insight and advice on how to [...]

CSC Drop-In Highered Sessions

17 March, 2023 @ 12:00 - 12:30 EET

Let’s meet! If you are having any difficulties or questions about Highered Platform join us online!

CSC Drop-In Highered Sessions

6 March, 2023 @ 11:00 - 13:00 EET

Let’s meet! If you are having any difficulties or questions about Highered Platform visit us!

CSC Drop-In Highered Sessions

1 March, 2023 @ 11:00 - 11:30 EET

Let’s meet! If you are having any difficulties or questions about Highered Platform join us online!

CSC Drop-In Highered Sessions

20 February, 2023 @ 15:00 - 17:00 EET

Let’s meet! If you are having any difficulties or questions about Highered Platform visit us!

Rokk your CV

15 February, 2023 @ 10:00 - 12:00 EET

Rokk your CV Come along on the 15th February and have your CV checked by Antigoni Marinou, founder of The Rokket Project and Career Coach. Bring your laptop or a printed version of your CV, and get the opportunity to receive feedback on the spot on how to present a strong, winning CV!   Workshop [...]

Accounting & Finance Mini Job Fair

7 December, 2022 @ 11:00 - 15:00 EET

The Career Success Centre and the Department of Accounting, Economics and Finance are inviting you to an Accounting and Finance mini job fair!

IT Job Fair

6 December, 2022 @ 12:00 - 15:00 EET

The Career Success Centre and the Department of Computer Science are inviting you to an IT mini job fair!

Ένα σημαντικό πρόβλημα που αντιμετωπίζουν όλες οι χώρες της EE, είναι το χάσμα μεταξύ των δεξιοτήτων που διαθέτουν οι Ευρωπαίοι και αυτών που απαιτούνται από τη βιομηχανία

Το Γραφείο Διασύνδεσης του Πανεπιστημίου Λευκωσίας διοργανώνει Ημερίδα με στόχο την ενημέρωση της επιχειρηματικής και πανεπιστημιακής κοινότητας για τις δραστηριότητες και το έργο που επιτελέστηκε μέχρι σήμερα από το Γραφείο Διασύνδεσης.

Η διαχείριση καριέρας είναι μία συνεχής διαδικασία. Απαιτεί προσήλωση και στοχοθέτηση. Μάθετε πως το Highered 5 μπορεί να σας βοηθήσει!

You can register here Online Webinar | CSC Guest Speaker Series: Get Highered for Your Career JourneyGet your talent Highered! The Career Success Centre brings to you a global job platform! Get ready to learn how to register in Highered and how to use GetHighered! Career development is a continuous process. Where are [...]

The Institute For the Future and the Career Success Centre are organising a career day dedicated on “Binance” for students and graduates to get informed about employment opportunities and skills required by Binance.

Suneel Gupta is the best-selling author of “Backable”, which is rooted in Suneel’s journey from the “Face of Failure” for the New York Times to the “New Face of Innovation” for the New York Stock Exchange.

You can register here Ανακαλύψτε τις ευκαιρίες σας και εκτοξεύστε την καριέρα σας! Ας γνωριστούμε! Ελάτε στην διαδικτυακή μας συνάντηση και μάθετε περισσότερα για το πώς μπορείτε να ξεκινήσετε να ετοιμάζεστε για την μελλοντική σας καριέρα! Μάθετε περισσότερα για το πώς μπορούμε να σας βοηθήσουμε στην επαγγελματική σας εξέλιξη και [...]

Join our session and learn more about how to fast track your career! Get to know how we can support your professional journey and start exploring all the possibilities for a successful future career!

CSC Company Career Days: Baker Tilly South East Europe

25 February, 2022 @ 16:00 - 17:00 EET

The Department of Accounting, Economics and Finance in cooperation with the Career Success Centre, are organising a career day dedicated on “Baker Tilly” for students and graduates to get informed about employment opportunities and skills required by Baker Tilly South East Europe.

The Department of Computer Science and the Career Success Centre are organising a career day dedicated on “Suite5 Data Intelligence Solutions - Delivering Intelligence-as-a-Service” for students and graduates to get informed about employment opportunities and skills required by Suite5.

Startup Grind is the world’s largest community of startups, founders, innovators, and creators.

Costas Markides is a Professor of Strategy & Entrepreneurship at the London Business School. He is one of the most recognized management gurus in the world on topics of Strategy and Innovation.

CSC Company Career Days: EY Cyprus

10 December, 2021 @ 16:00 - 17:00 EET

The Department of Accounting, the Department of Computer Science, the Department of Engineering and the Career Success Centre are organising a career day dedicated on “EY Cyprus” for students and graduates to get informed about employment opportunities and skills required by EY Cyprus.

Ethan Kross is one of the world’s leading experts on controlling the conscious mind. An award-winning professor and best-selling author in the University of Michigan’s top-ranked Psychology Department and its Ross School of Business, he studies how the conversations people have with themselves impact their health, performance, decisions and relationships.

CSC Company Career Days: Meet Foody

9 December, 2021 @ 11:00 - 12:00 EET

You can register here Online Webinar | CSC Company Career Days: Meet Foody The Business School and the Career Success Centre are organising a career day dedicated on “Foody” for students and graduates to get informed about the company, its employment opportunities and skills required to get hired! The description [...]

You can register here CSC Guest Speaker Series | Online Webinar: MASTER your career action plan Transform your career goals into a UNIC action plan Do you find it hard to move up the career ladder as a Graduate? You are not sure how to transform your career goals into [...]

CSC Company Career Days: Grant Thornton Cyprus

2 December, 2021 @ 16:00 - 17:00 EET

The Department of Computer Science and the Career Success Centre are organising a career day dedicated on “Grant Thornton Cyprus” for students and graduates to get informed about the company, its employment opportunities and skills required to get hired!

The Department of Computer Science, the Department of Engineering, the Business School, and the Career Success Centre are organising a career day dedicated on “Deloitte” for students and graduates to get informed about the company, its employment opportunities and skills required to get hired!

CSC Company Career Days: Coca-Cola HBC Cyprus

24 November, 2021 @ 11:30 - 12:30 EET

The Business School and the Career Success Centre are organising a career day dedicated on “Coca-Cola HBC Cyprus” for students and graduates to get informed about the company, its employment opportunities and skills required to get hired!

The Career Success Centre is organising a series of online webinars with guest speakers on how students can increase their employment opportunities and skills needed in the job market.

You can register here The Business School and the Career Success Centre proudly present a discussion with the Cyprus Human Resource Management Association on the following HR topics. Introduction to the Cyprus Human Resource Management Association (5’) Future of Work – Future of HR – (10’) Q&A – 45’ Join [...]

Peter Hinssen is a serial entrepreneur, advisor, keynote speaker and author, Peter is one of the most sought-after thought leaders on radical innovation, leadership and the impact of all things digital on society and business.

The Career Success Centre is organising an alumni career mentoring series with UNIC graduates, sharing their career and life path!

You want to prepare for the job market?! Join us to boost your career skills and stand out from the crowd!

Startup Grind is the world’s largest community of startups, founders, innovators, and creators.

You want to prepare for the job market?! Join us to boost your career skills and stand out from the crowd!

You want to prepare for the job market?! Join us to boost your career skills and stand out from the crowd!

CSC Company Career Days “Parimatch”

21 April, 2021 @ 11:00 - 12:00 EEST

The School of Business, the School of Law and the Career Success Centre of the University of Nicosia are organising a career day dedicated on “Parimatch” for students and graduates to get informed about employment opportunities and skills required by Parimatch.

The Career Success Centre is organising a series of online webinars with guest speakers on how students can increase their employment opportunities and skills needed in the job market.

You can register here CSC Guest Speaker Series | “Emotional Intelligence: Why up to 80% of your future job success depends on it today” The Career Success Centre is organising a series of online webinars with guest speakers on how students can increase their employment opportunities and skills needed in [...]

Career Success Centre Online Mandatory Trainings

10 March, 2021 @ 16:30 - 17:30 EET

Career Success Centre Online Mandatory Trainings These trainings are strictly required if you wish to register with the Career Success Centre (CSC), in addition to having your CV ready. Registering with the CSC means that you are eligible to enjoy its services, like be contacted for job/internship opportunities that match your profile, book your [...]

Career Success Centre Online Mandatory Trainings

4 March, 2021 @ 12:30 - 13:30 EET

Career Success Centre Online Mandatory Trainings These trainings are strictly required if you wish to register with the Career Success Centre (CSC), in addition to having your CV ready. Registering with the CSC means that you are eligible to enjoy its services, like be contacted for job/internship opportunities that match your profile, book your [...]

Career Success Centre Online Mandatory Trainings

26 February, 2021 @ 12:15 - 13:15 EET

Career Success Centre Online Mandatory Trainings These trainings are strictly required if you wish to register with the Career Success Centre (CSC), in addition to having your CV ready. Registering with the CSC means that you are eligible to enjoy its services, like be contacted for job/internship opportunities that match your profile, book your [...]

CSC Company Career Days “EY Cyprus”

23 February, 2021 @ 09:00 - 09:45 EET

The Department of Accounting and the Career Success Centre are organising a career day dedicated on “EY Cyprus” for students and graduates to get informed about employment opportunities and skills required by EY Cyprus.

The Future of Bitcoin with George Lambrianides

18 February, 2021 @ 18:00 - 19:30 EET

You can register here Online Event: The Future of Bitcoin with George Lambrianides Speaker: George Lambrianides, Lead Blockchain at Antikythera Capital Presented by: Google for Startups Sorxmedia University of Nicosia Career Success Centre Youth Maker Space Larnaka Startup Grind is the world’s largest community of startups, founders, innovators, and creators. [...]

You can register here Online Webinar | CSC Guest Speaker Series: The Future of Work The Career Success Centre is organising a series of online webinars with guest speakers on how students can increase their employment opportunities and skills needed in the job market. The online webinar will discuss the [...]

Join us from the convenience of your home and boost your employability!

You can register here CSC Guest Speaker Series | Online Webinar: Ace Your Next Remote Job Interview The Career Success Centre is organising a series of online webinars with guest speakers on how students can increase their employment opportunities and skills needed in the job market. As the COVID pandemic has [...]

Recruiter 4.0 | Winter Online Bootcamp

7 December, 2020 @ 17:00 - 21:00 EET

Update regarding the "Recruiter 4.0" online Bootcamp   Following a decision by the organising committee, ​in the context of their social responsibility and contribution due to the current pandemic situation, attendance will be offered for free. Due to that, the Bootcamp will take place on a shorter duration version on Monday, 7 December 2020, [...]

Join us from the convenience of your home and boost your employability!

CSC Company Career Days “Meet SignalGeneriX”

1 December, 2020 @ 12:00 - 13:00 EET

CSC Company Career Days “Meet SignalGeneriX” You can register here The Career Success Centre is organising a series of online webinars with guest speakers on how students can increase their employment opportunities and skills required in the job market. SignalGeneriX is looking for Research Engineers in [...]

Join us from the convenience of your home and boost your employability!

The Career Success Centre is organising a series of online webinars with guest speakers on how students can increase their employment opportunities and skills needed in the job market.

CSC Company Career Days “Meet Cedar Rose”

23 November, 2020 @ 12:00 - 13:00 EET

You can register here CSC Company Career Days “Meet Cedar Rose” The Career Success Centre is organising a series of online webinars with guest speakers on how students can increase their employment opportunities and skills required in the job market. The webinar will introduce the company Cedar Rose by [...]

The webinar will discuss the mission and story behind the MELCO company, a developer, owner and operator of casino gaming and entertainment casino resort facilities in Asia.

You can register here CSC Guest Speaker Series | Online Webinar: Land that Remote Job - How and Why you Should Apply The Career Success Centre is organising a series of online webinars with guest speakers on how students can increase their employment opportunities and skills needed in the job [...]

Leyana Daccache, a UNIC alumni, will share her story on how “Helping one person might not change the whole world, but it could change the world for one person”. Leyana will walk you through her journey of volunteerism and how until today, it still helps her grow.  

The Career Success Centre is organising a series of online webinars with guest speakers on how students can increase their employment opportunities and skills needed in the job market.

You can register here The Career Success Centre is organising a series of online webinars with guest speakers on how students can increase their employment opportunities and skills needed in the job market. The international job market is tough, but that just means you are going to have to work [...]

Register here Online Webinar | CSC Company Career Days: Working with a Meritocracy Approach in Consultics: The Base(is) of Consultics The Career Success Centre is organising a series of online webinars with guest speakers on how students can increase their employment opportunities and skills needed in the job market. The [...]

The Career Success Centre is organising a series of online webinars with guest speakers on how students can increase their employment opportunities and skills needed in the job market.

The Career Success Centre is organising a series of online webinars with guest speakers on how students can increase their employment opportunities and skills needed in the job market.

CSC Online Workshop: How to Land Your First Remote Job?

22 October, 2020 @ 15:00 - 16:30 EEST

The Career Success Centre of the University of Nicosia and present an Online Workshop with Nadia Harris, HR and Remote Work Expert and Founder of, during which you will learn how to start looking for your first remote adventure.

You can register here CSC Alumni Career Mentoring Series Online Webinar – Occupational Choices: How to Sail your Career The Career Success Centre is organising a series of online webinars with University of Nicosia alumni who will provide insightful career mentoring tips. Are you ready for 15 different jobs, when [...]

You can register here CSC Guest Speaker Series | Online Webinar: Your Body Talks The Career Success Centre is organising a series of online webinars with guest speakers on how students can increase their employment opportunities and skills needed in the job market. The main aim of the workshop, entitled Your [...]

If you're looking to enhance your resume to stand out from your peers in job applications or access additional resources to support your university studies, join this exclusive live online webinar and find out how you can start your journey with ICAEW Student Scheme (USS).

Το #YouthEmpowered είναι ένα ουσιαστικό Πρόγραμμα εταιρικής κοινωνικής ευθύνης που ξεκίνησε το 2017 και στις 28 χώρες δραστηριοποίησης του Ομίλου Coca-Cola HBC

Discover skills of the future while staying at home

13 May, 2020 @ 18:00 - 19:00 EEST

You can watch the free webinar live and  on-demand (after it takes place) on this page. The video will display here a few minutes before its start time. Press PLAY to start. In the event that the video does not appear, please reload the page in your browser. Webinar - Discover skills of [...]

Career Success Centre Online Mandatory Trainings We are taking our popular mandatory trainings online! Join us from the convenience of your home and boost your marketable skills! These trainings are strictly required if you wish to register with the Career Success Centre (CSC), in addition to having your CV ready. Registering with the CSC [...]

Career Success Centre Online Mandatory Trainings We are taking our popular mandatory trainings online! Join us from the convenience of your home and boost your marketable skills! These trainings are strictly required if you wish to register with the Career Success Centre (CSC), in addition to having your CV ready. Registering with the CSC [...]

Career Success Centre Online Mandatory Trainings We are taking our popular mandatory trainings online! Join us from the convenience of your home and boost your marketable skills! These trainings are strictly required if you wish to register with the Career Success Centre (CSC), in addition to having your CV ready. Registering with the CSC [...]

[POSTPONED] Career Success Centre Trainings

18 March, 2020 @ 12:00 - 13:00 EET

These trainings constitute the mandatory trainings of the Career Success Centre.

[POSTPONED] Career Success Centre Trainings

17 March, 2020 @ 12:30 - 13:30 EET

These trainings constitute the mandatory trainings of the Career Success Centre.

The Career Success Centre is organising a ‘Leading Innovation and Building Ideas’ Info Day, in collaboration with Ceranext

Positive Thinking at the Workplace Seminar

5 March, 2020 @ 12:30 - 13:30 EET

The Career Success Centre is organising a Positive Thinking Seminar for students to learn useful and practical positive thinking techniques you can master in order to enhance your performance at your workplace

[POSTPONED] Career Success Centre Trainings

4 March, 2020 @ 12:00 - 13:00 EET

These trainings constitute the mandatory trainings of the Career Success Centre.

In the current international job market, an I.T. graduate needs to have specific management skills that go far beyond just knowledge of the tech. There are some must-have soft skills in order to survive and stand out from the crowd

The Career Success Centre is organising a 90 minute workshop where students and alumni will have the chance to get an insight in today´s international job market and learn about diverse tactics how to get your “best case” career opportunity

[POSTPONED] Career Success Centre Trainings

25 February, 2020 @ 12:30 - 13:30 EET

These trainings constitute the mandatory trainings of the Career Success Centre.

Personal Branding Seminar

20 February, 2020 @ 12:00 - 13:00 EET

The Career Success Centre is organising a Personal Branding Seminar for students to learn the necessary tricks needed to stand out from the crowd

[POSTPONED] Career Success Centre Trainings

19 February, 2020 @ 12:00 - 13:00 EET

These trainings constitute the mandatory trainings of the Career Success Centre.

Managing Your Career | Insights from UNIC CEO

18 February, 2020 @ 12:30 - 13:30 EET

Antonis Polemitis, CEO of the University of Nicosia, will hold a talk entitled “Managing your Career” under the Guest Speaker Series of the Career Success Centre.

The Career Success Centre of the University of Nicosia in collaboration with Curis Network, a private network of integrated healthcare services seeking to lead transition and promote excellence in healthcare, invite you to “Leading Innovation & Excellence in Healthcare” Seminar

Odyssey Cybersecurity Career Day

12 February, 2020 @ 17:00 - 18:30 EET

The Career Success Centre, in collaboration with the Computer Science Department of the University of Nicosia and Odyssey Cybersecurity invite you to Odyssey Cybersecurity Career Day.

[POSTPONED] Career Success Centre Trainings

11 February, 2020 @ 12:00 - 13:00 EET

These trainings constitute the mandatory trainings of the Career Success Centre.

CSC Seminar - Remote Working Initiative

The Career Success Centre is organising a Live Informative Session for students to learn how to increase their employment opportunities and skills needed in the job market, in the framework of the Centre’s new Remote Working Initiative

The Career Success Centre is organising a seminar for students and alumni on Understanding Important Skills in the Workplace. Speaker: Pavlos Charalambides - Managing Director | MGR Human Resources The seminar by Pavlos Charalambides will focus on three dimensions: understanding and engaging the different workforce generations, understanding and enhancing business culture, and engaging talented people. [...]

Career Success Centre Trainings

11 December, 2019 @ 12:30 - 13:30 EET

These trainings constitute the mandatory trainings of the Career Success Centre.

Career Success Centre Trainings

10 December, 2019 @ 13:00 - 14:00 EET

These trainings constitute the mandatory trainings of the Career Success Centre.

Career Success Centre Trainings

4 December, 2019 @ 13:00 - 14:00 EET

These trainings constitute the mandatory trainings of the Career Success Centre.

The Career Success Centre is organising a seminar for students and alumni on Professional Attitude and Dress Code.

Career Success Centre Seminar: The Future of Work

27 November, 2019 @ 17:00 - 18:30 EET

The Career Success Centre is organising a seminar for students and alumni on The Future of Work.

Career Success Centre Trainings

26 November, 2019 @ 12:30 - 13:30 EET

These trainings constitute the mandatory trainings of the Career Success Centre.

Take a step towards meeting your professional goals!

Career Success Centre Trainings

19 November, 2019 @ 13:00 - 14:00 EET

These trainings constitute the mandatory trainings of the Career Success Centre.

Career Success Centre Trainings

30 October, 2019 @ 13:00 - 14:00 EET

These trainings constitute the mandatory trainings of the Career Success Centre.