Research & Innovation Office
The Research & Innovation Office (R&IO) is at the core of the University Research Infrastructure and works in close collaboration with the URC, the SRCs and the REC.
The R&IO provides specialist information, guidance and advice for Faculty and Researchers at the University of Nicosia and its Academically Affiliated Institutions, namely the University of Nicosia Research Foundation.
The R&IO was established to support Faculty/Researchers in achieving their research goals, as well as to keep the University’s Research Community informed and to be informed by them on past, present and future research initiatives at the national, European and international level. In this sense, the R&IO is the central focus for the “Research Community” of the University of Nicosia and aims to promote and expand this community to embrace other Cypriot academic colleagues and researchers, as well as to liaise with other research institutions worldwide.
The R&IO supports and offers assistance in all areas of research at the University; supplying specialist information, guidance and advice regarding research issues to the Research Community of the University.
Research and Innovation Office
Research Finance Office
Contact Us
For enquiries and further information please contact the R&IO at [email protected]
Mailing Address
Research & Innovation Office
46 Makedonitissas Avenue
P.O. Box 24005
1700 Nicosia
Tel + 357 22841500
Fax: + 357 22 357481